Is Nanny Bloomberg the Latest “Not Bernie” DNC Fave? DNC Changes Debate Threshold, Opening the Door to Bloomberg

Judge Judy-endorsed former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg is running for president because he thinks his gun-grabbing, Big Gulp-banning, job-destroying, massive tax increase agenda is a sure winner against President Trump.  Or something.

Democrats have been rotating “surging” candidates from their over-stuffed clown car for months now.  The increasing alarm among Democrats that socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) could actually win the Democrat nomination has apparently made Bloomberg the “not Bernie” flavor du jour.

The DNC has announced an overhaul of their debate requirements that pointedly addresses the reason that Bloomberg did not make the last Democrat debate stage: the donor threshold.

Politico reports:

The Democratic National Committee is drastically revising its criteria to participate in primary debates after New Hampshire, doubling the polling threshold and eliminating the individual donor requirement, which could pave the way for former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg to make the stage beginning in mid-February.

Candidates will need to earn at least 10 percent in four polls released from Jan. 15 to Feb. 18, or 12 percent in two polls conducted in Nevada or South Carolina, in order to participate in the Feb. 19 debate in Las Vegas. Any candidate who earns at least one delegate to the national convention in either the Iowa caucuses or New Hampshire primary will also qualify for the Nevada debate.

The new criteria eliminate the individual-donor threshold, which was used for the first eight debates, including next week’s debate in New Hampshire. Bloomberg, the self-funding billionaire, has refused to take donations from other individuals, which has thus far precluded his participation in any of the debates since he joined the race late last year.. . . . The new rules do, however, open the door for Bloomberg to participate after New Hampshire. Previously, the donor threshold had proved an insurmountable barrier for Bloomberg, who did not want to alter his promise to never accept campaign contributions — which he touts in promoting what he says is his independence from special interests.

It’s almost like Democrats don’t remember, or maybe don’t care, that their last “ditch Bernie” efforts resulted in Bernie supporters staying home on election day or casting protest votes for then-candidate Donald Trump.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Bernie Sanders, DNC, Michael Bloomberg