Iowa Democratic Party Declares Buttigieg Winner of Iowa Caucus

Reuters tweeted out that the Iowa Democratic Party declared former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg winner of Monday night’s caucuses.

The final tally with 100% of the precincts reporting:

Buttigieg – 26.2%
Sen. Bernie Sanders – 26.1%
Sen. Elizabeth Warren – 18%
Former Vice President Joe Biden – 15.8%
Sen. Amy Klobuchar – 12.3%

The news comes right after the Associated Press announced on Thursday evening it could not declare a winner in the Iowa Democratic caucuses.

From the AP:

Further, the party has yet to report results from some satellite caucus sites, from which there are still an unknown number of state delegate equivalents to be won.“The Associated Press calls a race when there is a clear indication of a winner. Because of a tight margin between former Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Bernie Sanders and the irregularities in this year’s caucus process, it is not possible to determine a winner at this point,” said Sally Buzbee, AP’s senior vice president and executive editor.The AP will continue to report and review the results from the Iowa Democratic Party as it completes its tabulation, as well as the results of any potential recanvass or recount.

The problems on Monday night became apparent almost right away. The app the IDP chose to use crapped out, which led to irregularities.

Earlier on Thursday, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez tweeted that he had enough with the IDP. He demanded the IDP “to immediately begin a recanvass.”

Perez explained that a recanvass means “a review of the worksheets from each caucus site to ensure accuracy.”

The IDP said “it would conduct a recanvass if one was requested by one of the candidates.”

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Iowa