Iowa Democratic Party Declares Buttigieg Winner of Iowa Caucus
However, the AP could not declare a winner due to so many irregularities.

Reuters tweeted out that the Iowa Democratic Party declared former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg winner of Monday night’s caucuses.
Iowa Democratic Party says Pete Buttigieg narrowly defeats Bernie Sanders in Iowa caucus with 100% of precincts counted
— Reuters (@Reuters) February 7, 2020
The final tally with 100% of the precincts reporting:
Buttigieg – 26.2%
Sen. Bernie Sanders – 26.1%
Sen. Elizabeth Warren – 18%
Former Vice President Joe Biden – 15.8%
Sen. Amy Klobuchar – 12.3%
The news comes right after the Associated Press announced on Thursday evening it could not declare a winner in the Iowa Democratic caucuses.
From the AP:
Further, the party has yet to report results from some satellite caucus sites, from which there are still an unknown number of state delegate equivalents to be won.
“The Associated Press calls a race when there is a clear indication of a winner. Because of a tight margin between former Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Bernie Sanders and the irregularities in this year’s caucus process, it is not possible to determine a winner at this point,” said Sally Buzbee, AP’s senior vice president and executive editor.
The AP will continue to report and review the results from the Iowa Democratic Party as it completes its tabulation, as well as the results of any potential recanvass or recount.
The problems on Monday night became apparent almost right away. The app the IDP chose to use crapped out, which led to irregularities.
Earlier on Thursday, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez tweeted that he had enough with the IDP. He demanded the IDP “to immediately begin a recanvass.”
Perez explained that a recanvass means “a review of the worksheets from each caucus site to ensure accuracy.”
The IDP said “it would conduct a recanvass if one was requested by one of the candidates.”

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If the fraud wasn’t so serious, it’d be comical.
Butthead was a milquetoast mayor of a small town, and he is an odd little wimpy man chockfull of bad ideas.
Make him president?
Sorry, I must beg to differ due to the fact that the smile cannot be removed from my face. This is hysterically funny.
Hilary Clinton’s Bag Man!
Now let’s see if those “Bernie Bros” have any “balls.”
Mark my words.
Hilary Clinton has her hands in that Mortimer Snerd dummy – working it for all its worth!
We can confirm the final results of the unreleased Iowa Poll:
Sanders 22%
Warren 18%
Buttigieg 16%
Biden 13%
“Shock: Release of Famed Iowa Poll Cancelled at the last Minute After Buttigieg Campaign Complains
You may have heard that the the supposed gold standard of Iowa polls, the Selzer poll commissioned by the Des Moines Register, was cancelled and suppressed for reasons that many find… dubious.
There is some suspicion that the poll wasn’t really thrown into the garbage because some interviewers forgot to mention Pete Bootygag as a candidate, or mispronounced his name.
Some suspect that those are just convenient rationalizations for rubbishing a poll that showed Bernie sanders well ahead of Joe Biden, and which might have caused a stampede of voters away from Biden.”
It’s more complicated than that. The font was too small for many of the callers to read, so they enlarged it, which made the name of the bottom candidate disappear off the bottom of the screen. Since the order of candidates was generated at random for each call, each time those callers polled someone they omitted a different candidate. And there’s no way to reconstruct which callers this affected, or what the impact was.
Few noticed but Tue/Wed the NYT predicted
97% certainty that Pete Buttigieg would win Iowa.
Few noticed but Tue/Wed the NYT predicted 97% certainty that Pete Buttigieg would win Iowa.
Oh My!
Dictator Hilary!
Rania Khalek (Think She is a DEM Bernie Bro.)
The DNC has an online “counter disinformation team” overseen by a former Hillary Clinton campaign staffer.
They’ll be reporting uses of the word “rigged” & “are in regular contact w/ reps from the major social media companies and government agencies”
“When I look at Mayor Peter of South Bend, IN all I can see and hear is a gay white Obama. right down to the mole on the side of his nose.” – Some wise American
The dinner in the wine cave with the billionaires was the tip off.
Whatever happens, there is no threat to Trump’s re-election. It’s the brazen fraud and pathetic excuses that are so amusing. We are watching the American Communist Party disintegrate day after day after day. What’s not to like?
Why would any Democrat even bother to vote these days? I can wait to see how voter turnout craters as we move forward.
CAN’T wait to see.
The DNC wants someone it can control. Bernie is only a Democrat for the sake of political expediancy (Communist that he is), cannot be controlled. Therefor he cannot be allowed to be the nominee, no matter how blatant the fraud is to keep him from the nomination.
Bernie would not survive against Trump. The Bernie Chapter in the recent Peter Schweizer book Profiles in Corruption makes me wonder why Bernie and his wife are not both in prison. Bernie cannot be stood in sunshine.
BTW: Prof. Jacobson is all over the pages of the Elizabeth Warren Chapter.
Guess what??????
Yesterday Bernie declared that HE won Iowa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bernie Sanders Declares Victory
Buttboy gave a little extra “push” that allowed him to eke out Breadline Bernie by a hair.
[Am I banned for life, or something?]
“(The) Ap that supposedly was behind the Iowa crisis, (and) the “shadow” tech company that was behind the Ap and directly connected to the Clinton DNC apparatus; which also just happens to have a connection to Buttigieg. That part doesn’t matter now; done is done. How the Club did it is less important than everyone understanding what took place wasn’t an organic accident.”
Are you saying that Mayor Pete is the Plugger rather than the Pluggee???
Biden Getting His Burn Notice?
The Kevin Jackson Show
Am I the only one reminded of Mr. Bean whenever a picture of Mayor Pete appears?
Trump pegged him,
Had me worried there for a moment. The image is safe for work.
Joe’s malarkey (and sizeable corruption) have caught up to him.
“Doctor Biden, Doctor Biden. Paging Doctor Jill Biden”
“Husband needs your curative powers immediately – Code Blue – Code Blue”
“But, but I’m not a real doctor. I only have a EdD in so-called ‘educational leadership,’ a degree considered by many, myself included, as a phony credential. Despite that, Joe and I pretentiously insist that people address me as ‘Doctor.’ In truth I’m really only qualified to lead 4th graders to play areas for recess. But it’s also qualified me to lead Joe to his favorite chair after dinner so he can look at the big letters on Wheel of Fortune.
“I’m as phony as Joe”
Bernie will be 79 before the November election.
Hillary will probably insert herself into the story during the DNC convention.
Sure glad that Trump is interested in pulling another term. My guess is that pelosi will not be around for the next Congress..
Peteyboy should stick with what works. He is not presidential material.
I wonder how he thinks he’s even got a chance since he’s polling near ZERO with blacks.
The black vote is huge this election, especially where Pete is concerned. In ’16, the black vote accounted for 12% of all votes cast nationwide. Between the top two, 88% went to Clinton, 8% to Trump.
Recently I’ve read Trump support among blacks is as much as 40%. Of 135 million votes cast in 2016, a 32% swing to Trump in Black support (from 8% to 40%) gives him another 5.2 million votes based on 2016 turnout. The popular vote difference in 2016 was 2.9 million votes.
If Pete’s the nominee, I’d expect Trump support among blacks to be much more than 40% or blacks sit out 2020 altogether. Either way, the Dems are cooked.
That goes a long way with me in explaining the Dems gross overuse of the “racist” charge against Trump and co.
The DNC is most likely looking to fraud their way into a brokered convention.
It allowed them to name their candidate, no matter how they claim the person would be chosen. It stops Heart Bernie and his Communist/socialist hard left push, along with reduction of the AOC squats influence (or at least that is their hope), and being late to the games their choice – who isn’t currently running unless they settle for Bloomberg buying the nomination – means less time for opposition research efforts and all this campaign trail hubris they are building up.
This is their way of bringing in a somewhat stealth candidate which they think will stymie President Trump’s ability to take them down. I doubt they would consider Hillary again. It would likely be a woman, possibly of “color”, so they can use the sexist/racist memes against Trump.
Chris Matthews is hoping they settle on Adam Schitt
Wouldn’t THAT be a hoot to watch Trump and Bugeyes in a one on one debate
“The problems on Monday night became apparent almost right away. The app crapped out which led to irregularities!”
I imagine people asking, “Hey Butt, how’d you win?”
And he answers, “The app crapped out which led to irregularities.”
Butt I Judge knew the results before the results were in, declaring victory, so you know he is in on the cheating being done for his behalf or really against the Heart Bernie.
The app was designed by a couple of campaign staffers for Hillary and the main designer has been gushing over Butt I Judge since he said he was running. Yeah, not too suspicious, is it?
Biden is providing more gaffs than ever as he feels the heat and had been thrown under the bus during the shampeachment. I think the pressures are bringing out the brain damage he suffered from those hemorrhages of the brain, that damage doesn’t repair itself and usually gets worse over time. So removing votes for Biden is a plus. That app worked just as designed, the crashes were a feature, not a bug.
Newsweek says Mayor Pete came in #1 in Iowa prematurely.
Pete Buttigieg…..Prematurely Declaring Iowa Caucus Victory
And I ain’t touching that line with a 10 foot poll…..let alone a 10 foot pole!
Many sites that predict elections and such have the percentage of a brokered convention for the National Socialists at anywhere from 22 – 35%. That is pretty high numbers given how early it is in all this process.
Buttigieg isn’t going to do well in Southern States, and make no mistake – the man is very radical left, he just hides it better than Warren and Heart Bernie.
The DNC wants Biden out but not too quickly as that might mess up their plans of inserting their own choice pick over the voters choice.
They have concerns over the Heart Bernie Bros and losing them potentially for good if they are too obvious with their cheating their idiot leader.
The DNC is fractured, and they got more beat up through Il Duce Pelosi’s frantic, hate filled, lunatic push for impeachment. Her antics at the SOTU hurt her party some more, in addition to her lies not being bought much anymore. Add in Heart Bernie, Fauxcahontis, A mayor radical, and an extremely off putting totalitarian Billionaire Bloomberg, which is not exciting any one other than the Bernie Bros who are frightening the typical clueless Democrat voter.
The Bernie Bros are livid and nearing revolt over the Iowa engineered mess, which was a test case to see how far they can push their fraud. NH will be the next shot they look to mess around with, though they are going to thread the needle to make it far less obvious that they are cheating against Heart Bernie. I expect they will bump up Warren’s and possibly Biden’s numbers a bit more to offset Bernie’s while injecting more votes from Bernie to Buttigeig.
I think it is becoming more and more apparent the DNC plans to have a brokered convention. It’s pretty clear that none of the wishful thinkers who are currently running, or limping along as the case may be, have a snowball chance against Trump. As you intimated in another post, the DNC will not run with Hillary this time around, but will likely pick a female and a person of color would be a plus.
Hillary Clinton on Joining the Democrat Ticket as Vice President: “Never Say Never”
—Ace of Spades
And that spells….Michelle.
Congressman Lee Zeldin Demands Nancy Pelosi Step Down as Speaker; Matt Gaetz to File Ethics Charges Against Her for Destroying an Official Government Document
—Ace of Spades
Bernie is going to run for President, if not on the Democratic Party some other line. Waiting another 4 years is not an option
John Ekdahl @JohnEkdahl
The DNC, while unable to declare the winner, has announced it’s “definitely not Bernie, though”
Bwa ha ha, Hillary as Vice-President? And who’d be dumb enough to run at the top of that ticket?
I mean, would you want her a heartbeat away from the presidency if it were your heart?
Peter Paul of South Bend, IN is that stupid!
Really though he is.
– So Sanders got more votes. (Wins the popular vote.)
– And in the final count, they got an equal number of delegates. (Ties in the electoral-college equivalent)
– But Buttigieg was up in “state delegate equivalents” — a mathematical construct used in the middle.
So… did they announce ahead of the caucus that a “winner” would be declared based on SDEs, or did they decide that after they realized that would be the only metric by which Bernie didn’t win?
Don’t know.
But do know Peter Paul declared he was the winner per-maturely before the final results were in.
Newsweek says Mayor Pete came in #1 in Iowa prematurely.
Pete Buttigieg…..Prematurely Declaring Iowa Caucus Victory
The only surprise is that NBC and AP are being critical.
I bet the Dems wish they could run a rigged up hack show like this in the general.
If you aren’t stealing elections, then you aren’t a real Dem.