Democrat Superdelegates Signal Willingness to Block Bernie Sanders at Convention

The Democratic National Convention this summer could become very interesting. There is so much concern about running Bernie Sanders against Trump that some party superdelegates are already saying they’ll attempt to block his nomination.

That should go over well with Bernie supporters, shouldn’t it?

Graig Graziosi writes at the Independent UK:

DNC superdelegates warn they will block Bernie Sanders at convention and spark civil war within partySenator Bernie Sanders’ issues with the Democratic establishment may continue past the nominating races and into the Democratic National Convention, according to a new report.If Mr Sanders arrives at the convention with any less than a majority of delegates pledged to him, he may find himself with a wave of superdelegates voting against his nomination.The New York Times reported Thursday that in interviews with 93 superdelegates, only nine said that Mr Sanders arriving at the convention with a plurality was reason enough to support him as nominee…“A vast majority of those superdelegates – whose ranks include federal elected officials, former presidents and vice presidents and DNC members – predicted that no candidate would clinch the nomination during the primaries, and that there would be a brokered convention fight in July to choose a nominee.”

The 2016 Democrat convention will look like a love-fest by comparison if this happens.

Politico has more:

Bernie and Dems brace for superdelegate showdownIt’s Bernie Sanders versus the Democratic National Committee again, and as in 2016, many congressional Democrats aren’t taking his side.Sanders has argued that whoever gets the most delegates — even if they fall short of the DNC’s threshold — should be crowned the nominee for president. But House and Senate Democrats, for the most part, insist that the party stick with the rules that were rewritten specifically to address complaints of bias against Sanders in 2016.The looming threat of a convention fight is driving yet another painful wedge between his campaign and congressional Democrats, with none of the roughly 20 lawmakers interviewed for this story explicitly endorsing Sanders’ view that he should automatically get the nod if he has the most delegates — but not the majority.“No, no, I think the rules are set and we ought to follow the rules. Especially when someone says follow the rules who’s not even a Democrat,” said Rep. Juan Vargas (D-Calif.), who has endorsed former NYC mayor Mike Bloomberg. “He just wants us to rubber stamp his election, which we shouldn’t do. I certainly won’t do.”

One of the reasons this could happen is because of Bernie himself, but somehow I don’t think his supporters will appreciate the irony.

The DNC’s superdelegate rules have changed dramatically since 2016, in large part because of the sharp criticism levied by Sanders and his allies about the clear favoritism many superdelegates showed toward Hillary Clinton.

Can you guess which side Elizabeth Warren is on in this argument? We can probably stop speculating that she is angling to become Bernie’s VP pick:

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Bernie Sanders, Democrats, DNC