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CPAC Chair After Impeachment Witness Vote: Mitt Romney is “formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020”

CPAC Chair After Impeachment Witness Vote: Mitt Romney is “formally NOT invited to #CPAC2020”

It’s not clear he was invited in the first place, but this has to sting

Back in April of last year, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) lamented that the Mueller report left him “sickened” by Trump.  Apparently, he still is because he was one of only two Republican senators to vote with the Democrats for more witnesses in the Democrats’ sham impeachment circus.

This move apparently resulted in the chair of CPAC announcing that Romney is not welcome at this year’s annual influential conservative conference.

Politico reports:

Sen. Mitt Romney will not be invited to this year’s CPAC, the conservative conference’s host chair announced Friday in the aftermath of senators voting not to hear additional witnesses in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial.

. . . . While CPAC has grown into a hotbed of Trumpian support, Romney has distanced himself from the president, garnering Trump’s mockery and scorn.

. . . . Romney has previously spoken at the annual conservative conference including his first public speech since losing the 2012 election. He also spoke at CPAC in 2012 calling himself a “severely conservative governor” in an effort to shore up more support from the party’s right as he sought the nomination.

In completely unrelated news, a Utah state lawmaker has filed a (likely unconstitutional) bill allowing the recall of U.S. senators.


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Eh, recalling senators is a terrible idea. Democrats would fund recalls of every republican beginning with McConnell.

McConnell should punish the Gang Of Three.

Reduce staff funding to zero.
Move them to the smallest, most inconveniently located offices possible (legislative death row).
Remove them from all committees and commissions.

    oldgoat36 in reply to Tiki. | February 1, 2020 at 5:36 pm

    I don’t believe it is constitutional to recall a Senator. Mittens is Mr. Thin Skin though, so a more effective means of dealing with this sop who fights more against his own party than he does of the vile opposition, is to protest him every chance we get, and post negative comments on social media for all his posts.

    natdj in reply to Tiki. | February 1, 2020 at 5:46 pm

    I would add that Cocaine Mitch locate Pierre’s office in the men’s bathroom.

    lichau in reply to Tiki. | February 2, 2020 at 8:40 am

    Agree, but it might to be up to the state.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | February 1, 2020 at 5:17 pm

About time!

No more Democrats dressed up in GOP uniforms spying on us!

The Republicans should take the hit and ask him to caucus with the Democrats. He is unworthy and incompetent. I still cannot get over how he laid down for Obama.

    clerk in reply to dystopia. | February 1, 2020 at 5:22 pm

    If Romney caucused with the Democrats, the Democrats would treat him as they treated Arlen Spector. He’d be treated as a nothing.

    practicalconservative in reply to dystopia. | February 1, 2020 at 5:31 pm

    The Democrats can keep their caucus in line. The Republicans held together in the house. Yet with have this varlets betrayal. Its time for the Republicans to stand and take a hit. Toss him over to Schumer. He will be treated like a traitor and given no power.

    Daiwa in reply to dystopia. | February 1, 2020 at 6:08 pm

    Probably not realistic, seeing as his niece runs the RNC.

      legalbeagle in reply to Daiwa. | February 1, 2020 at 7:46 pm

      Perhaps she can stop him from self immolation. Otherwise its time to play Family Feud.

      Ulysses in reply to Daiwa. | February 1, 2020 at 7:53 pm

      It would be said if his niece can’t stop Romney from becoming the first Senator in the history of this Republic to vote to remove a President from his own Party. It paints Romney as a malignant narcissist who cares more about attention from media creatures than his own family.

    sidebar in reply to dystopia. | February 1, 2020 at 7:43 pm

    Romney is on the cusp of becoming the first United States Senator to ever vote to remove a President from his own Party. He needs to be cut loose by the Republicans.

    ” I still cannot get over how he laid down for Obama…”

    He did not lay down for obama. He laid down for candy crowley.

    That’s a lot more pathetic.

    TrickyRicky in reply to dystopia. | February 2, 2020 at 11:12 am

    I can’t believe that I donated $1,000 to the Romney/Ryan campaign, attended a raucous rally at Red Rocks amphitheater that had me really optimistic….and all I got was a slacker candidate and an Obama T-shirt.

    Won’t be fooled again.

Too bad Pierre …. there are some really great patisserie shops in DC that you’ll be missing.

yet another example of why 17th should be repealed.
then state constitutions could deal with recalls if so desired and/or needed. prob not really needed as state gov itself turns over fast enough senate US senate would not be a lifetime job.

    fscarn in reply to dmacleo. | February 1, 2020 at 6:43 pm

    1913 stands out as perhaps the worst year in American history.

    ~ February, the 16th Am became a part of the Constitution, No longer would the states act as interference; fedgov could now go directly after individual citizens. Under the Framers’ plan the cost of fedgov was paid for by the states, net of any tariff income, apportioned according to census enumeration. It was left to each state how its apportioned amount (plus the taxes needed for each state to run its own affairs) would be raised, meaning each state had a stake in seeing that fedgov was wise with tax dollars, that is, were kept low, because each state was in turn accountable to its own taxpayers. With the 16th Am. the states were let off the hook. Fedgov could now go after individual citizens. Shortly after the 16th Am. a raft of states enacted their own income tax schemes.

    ~ March, Woodrow Wilson, admitted internationalist, took office as president. As is the wont of Democrats regardless of when in time, Wilson deceived, the public with the lie that American boys would not be fighting in Europe. Once in office Wilson did everything he could to entangle the USA with European affairs, utterly disregarding Washington’s wisdom (Farewell Address). [FDR another deceitful Democrat followed this same strategy 27 years later.] Wilson the admitted internationalist had his 14 Points and his vision of a League of Nations (world government) well established even before 1913. His disregard for the Constitution was disgusting. The Senate wisely rejected the Treaty of Versailles (1919) (which established the League of Nations). The League was established without the USA (headquartered in Geneva), but a league without the USA was a nothingburger. Meaning, another world war would be required. The UN was spawned by WWII. The Rockefellows gave the $8,500,000 needed to buy the land in NYC. The point was to put the beast firmly inside the USA

    ~ May, the 17th Am became a part of the Constitution. The states began the process of being mere administrative bodies of fedgov. The people and the states were the creators of fedgov, each with its own separate interests requiring separate representation in Congress. State legislatures chose their own representatives who would serve as federal senators. This amendment strip those legislatures of that freedom

    ~ December, the Federal Reserve Act became law. And so began the utter devaluation of our currency and our complete manipulation of our lives. Best book on this fraud is Griffin’s The Creature from Jekyll Island (1994). The Federal Reserve Bank is not federal, has no reserves, and isn’t a bank. It’s a private cartel owned by the nation’s largest banks for their benefit (a cartel protecting its interests), protected by law. What’s not to like about that (if you’re one of the owners).

      Barry in reply to fscarn. | February 1, 2020 at 9:06 pm

      “[FDR another deceitful Democrat followed this same strategy 27 years later.]”

      It’s no secret FDR wanted the US in the war. However, we did have something called Pearl Harbor that led directly to that engagement. In spite of all the theory that FDR knew it was coming, there is not one iota of proof.

      The Japs decided to attack and we fought back. Not much one can do in that situation. Once the attack occurred we were fully involved in WWII and our first response was not to attack the Japanese.

        alaskabob in reply to Barry. | February 1, 2020 at 9:31 pm

        FDR put US ships in harms way in Atlantic. IF Germany had not declared war on us after Pearl Harbor the same risks to provide Lend-Lease would have continued. Hitler’s bad move was what FDR had been fishing for.

          Where precisely in the Atlantic wasn’t in harms way? I have a 2nd home on the coast of North Carolina. Offshore is known as the Graveyard of the Atlantic. Many ships were sunk by German U boats prior to our entry in the war. The locals often heard and saw the explosion’s at night.

          Sure, we sent goods to Britain so they wouldn’t starve (and munitions so they could fight) and that required convoys near Europe strangely enough.

        There is quite a bit of evidence FDR turned his back on defending Pearl Harbor.

        lichau in reply to Barry. | February 2, 2020 at 8:48 am

        Barry: who fired the first shot on Dec 7, 1941? Hint: it wasn’t the Japanese. It also was wholly justified.

      Milhouse in reply to fscarn. | February 2, 2020 at 12:31 am

      fscarn’s comment is one long piece of bullshit, except for the part about Wilson. I don’t know whether Wilson was the worst president ever, but he was a worse president than 0bama, and that’s saying a lot. But everything else in that long comment is false.

    Milhouse in reply to dmacleo. | February 2, 2020 at 12:28 am

    yet another example of why 17th should be repealed.
    then state constitutions could deal with recalls if so desired

    No, they could not. Where do people get these strange notions? Before the 17th senators were every bit as independent as they are now. More, because it’s easier to buy a legislature than an electorate. But the US constitution does not have the entire concept of recall. There has never been a time when any US officeholder could be recalled. Once someone is elected, they are in for their full term, and the people who elected them get no further say in the matter.

      Barry in reply to Milhouse. | February 2, 2020 at 12:47 am

      “Before the 17th senators were every bit as independent as they are now.”

      An opinion not shared by a large number of people. It *might* be easier to buy a legislature, but it is also easier for a legislature to choose someone else. There is every reason to believe that senators appointed by a state legislature would be more responsive to state issues than those elected by the public.

      The founders had a reason for making the senators responsive to the state legislatures.

        Milhouse in reply to Barry. | February 2, 2020 at 5:58 pm

        Senators were not “appointed” before the 17th, they were elected. And once they were elected they were completely independent, just as they are now. That is a fact, and you cannot dispute it.

        There is no reason whatsoever to believe that senators appointed by a state legislature would be more responsive to state interests than those elected by the public. The public are the state, and by definition give the proper weight to their own interests. Legislators, by definition, give first priority to their own private interests, and only second to those of the state, i.e. the public.

        The founders’ reason for having senators elected indirectly was not to make them more responsive to the state legislatures, but simply because they didn’t trust direct elections. That’s the same reason they had the president elected indirectly. They didn’t trust the public to vote wisely, so they interposed people who were expected to be wiser than the public who elected them, and to exercise their own judgment.

      yet another reason people ignore this fking idiot.
      yes cotus does not deal with recalls, nothing says a STATE constitution could not deal with it.
      and its just fking funny how you purposely skipped over the fact I said prob not needed as state gov turnover was fast enough a senate appt would not be a lifetime job.
      you pedantic little fck, crawl back into mommy’s basement and shut the hell up for once.
      maybe man up and join the military and put your money where that big mouth is like many of us have done decades ago little boy.

I thank Utah for taking Romney out of Massachusetts. Romney was never relevant in Massachusetts, just very wealthy.

What can you say for a guy who is about as low in the Senate as they come? He curries no favor with Republicans and the socialists have no respect for him unless he is giving them money.

Were I Trump, I would never make eye contact with him not even acknowledge his existence. Haha, but Trump enjoys himself and I hope he makes a memorable presentation during the coming SOTU address.

    Utah is likely the only state from which Mittens could have been elected to the senate. The Mormon Church pretty much controls politics in Utah.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | February 1, 2020 at 5:31 pm

I’ve forgotten.

Was Romney one who was warning of the “Brexit threat to sandwiches?”

legacyrepublican | February 1, 2020 at 5:38 pm

I hear all this talk about what to do to him and I think you all are missing the simplest and best solution to dealing with Romney.

According to the Democrats, Romeny allows employees to die of cancer, tortures dogs, and hazes innocent students.

He has proven it with his vote and his comments on the Mueller report.

Just start agreeing with what the Democrats have accused him of. They were right all along.

Start calling him Senator Cruel from Utah. The dog hater. The school bully. And cancer’s best friend.

That’s it.

I’ve regretted very few votes in my lifetime but one sticks out like a sore thumb – when I cast my ballot for Romney to be President. I didn’t like him AT ALL then but I held my nose and did what I felt was the right thing. I’m sure I’m not alone in this feeling.

Mitt reminds me of my holier-than-thou sister who wags her finger at me telling me Bloomberg is going to be the next president.

    franker in reply to EOS. | February 1, 2020 at 9:15 pm

    I don’t like Romney very much at all but I don’t regret voting for him.

    Anything – and I mean ANYTHING – would have been better than Obama.

    We have several dogs who live with us and I would have voted for almost all of them (one seems a little addled and I wouldn’t trust him with the football) before I would have voted for Obama.

    I don’t think that the propensity for contracting fleas is a disqualifier but being a Leftist POS certainly is!

    Just my opinion, of course. LOL

    Milhouse in reply to EOS. | February 2, 2020 at 12:34 am

    It was the right thing. There is no question that Romney would have been a far better president than 0bama.

The DEFINIATELY invite romney: When he arrives, everyone spits on him. When he leaves, everyone spits on him.

He’d be the hit of the event.

Collins at least has the excuse that she has to get re-elected.

Romney is just a backstabbing RINO bitch doing his level best to prove that NOT electing him in 2012 was the smartest thing the American People have done this century.

One good thing came from Pierre’s vote. His lack of influence over anybody was apparent. Even more important was giving the news media and Democrats the false hope that the vote would go their way. This lead to a waterfall of liberal tears when Alexander and Murkowski voted no on witnesses. He has now made himself a pariah in the GOP. Given all of that, his meaningless vote was worth it.

It would take a Constitutional amendment to impose term limits on the Senate, or the House for that matter. I believe SCOTUS has already ruled on that. It’s not going to happen. Mittens is butt hurt because Trump was mean to him. Mittens had his chance in 2012 when he had Obama by the short hairs on national TV with everybody and his dog watching, and he wilted. He’s a wimp.

In completely unrelated news, a Utah state lawmaker has filed a (likely unconstitutional) bill allowing the recall of U.S. senators.

There’s no “likely” about it. It’s flatly invalid. The Utah legislature has no authority to make such a law, and if it purports to do so it will be a nullity. There is no such thing as “recall” in the US constitution, and there never has been.

In addition this state lawmaker is an ignoramus if he thinks that before the 17th amendment senators used to be appointed, or that they were any more accountable then than they are now. Before the 17th senators were elected by the state legislature of the time, which meant that the election for the state legislature turned into a proxy election for senator, and all local issues were ignored. People voted for their state legislator on the basis of whom he was going to support for senator.

And once a senator was elected he was just as independent as he is now. He had his mandate, and for the next six years he could ignore the state legislature. If he wanted another term, he could campaign to the state voters, just as they do now, and get them to elect a legislature that would reelect him.

    Barry in reply to Milhouse. | February 2, 2020 at 12:56 am

    It didn’t work anything like you report.

    Bonus – How many senators would be republican were they selected sans the 17th?

    That’s how bad it is.

      Milhouse in reply to Barry. | February 2, 2020 at 5:47 pm

      It would work exactly as I report, because that’s how it did work before the 17th.

      It’s impossible to say how many senators would be republican were they selected sans the 17th, because sans the 17th the makeup of state legislatures would be completely different. State legislatures are heavily Republican largely because, due to the 17th, voters don’t take into account whom they would like for senator. Before the 17th they did.

Speaking of rino garbage: bill krystol says he is a democrat!

What a scam he’s run, eh?

If we lost Mittens, we wouldn’t lose a single vote.