Bloomberg Qualifies for Las Vegas Debate Thanks to Last Minute Poll
He has “19 percent support in a Marist, Newshour and NPR/PBS poll.”

Former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg has qualified for the Las Vegas debate on Wednesday night due to a last-minute poll.
Candidates need to have “at least one delegate in the first two contests, have four national polls showing the candidate with 10% or more or two state polls from either South Carolina or Nevada showing the candidate with 12% or more support.”
Bloomberg is in second place in the Marist, Newshour and NPR/PBS poll.
From Fox News:
The former New York City mayor and 2020 presidential candidate qualified for the Nevada Democratic Presidential Primary Debate at the last minute, notching 19 percent support in a Marist, Newshour and NPR/PBS poll, the fourth national poll to put him above the 10 percent mark since Jan. 15. That means the billionaire, who has spent more than $400 million of his fortune on advertising, meets the polling threshold set by the DNC for the debate.
Bloomberg will be on the debate stage, his campaign confirmed in a statement.
“Our campaign is seeing a groundswell of support across the country, and qualifying for the February 19 debate is the latest sign that Mike’s plan and ability to defeat Donald Trump is resonating with more and more Americans,” campaign manager Kevin Sheekey said Tuesday morning. “Mike is looking forward to joining the other Democratic candidates on stage and making the case for why he’s the best candidate to defeat Donald Trump and unite the country. The opportunity to discuss his workable and achievable plans for the challenges facing this country is an important part of the campaign process.”
This will be the first time Bloomberg will appear in a debate after entering the presidential race in November.
The poll results:
- Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) 31%
- Bloomberg 19%
- Former Vice President Joe Biden 15%
- Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) 12%
- Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) 9%
- Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg 8%
- Tom Steyer 2%
- Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (R-HI) <1%
Bloomberg already met the 10% threshold in polls from Quinnipiac University, Monmouth University, and Fox News.
He skipped out on Iowa and New Hampshire. He has a place on the stage tomorrow night even though he will not appear on the caucus ballot on Saturday night.
Bloomberg has spent more than $300 million of his own money on ads, spamming everyone’s television.

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If democrats weren’t so stupid, they’d be offended that this billionaire oligarch bought his way into the debate.
The wisdom of country music, this time from the pen of Lefty Frizzell (Sept. 1950), which has been performed by some of CM’s greats from Hank Williams to Willie Nelson, and now Mike Bloomberg,
. . .
Yes, we’ll go honky tonkin’ make every club in town
We’ll go to the park where it’s dark, we won’t fool around
But if you run short of money, I’ll run short of time
‘Cause you with no more money, honey, I’ve no more time
If you’ve got the money, I’ve got the time
We’ll go honky tonkin’ and we’ll have a time
We’ll make all the nightspots, dance, drink beer and wine
If you’ve got the money, honey, I’ve got the time
Willie’s version,
What is really scaring the Dems is that while MiniMike can buy his way into the primary debates, money is NOT going to buy a victory against Trump in November. Steyn’s billions haven’t even bought him anything more than competing against the margin of error in the polls. Bernie’s rise has had little to do with money and neither was Trump’s.
Trump captured the zeitgeist in 2016 and has delivered ever since. So this election is not for whoever spends the most money. The Dems don’t even have a message other than “Trump racist misogynist who is worse than Hitler”. Hate, hate, hate, hate…. That kind of cancer burns money really fast. The Dems are screwed and they know it.
So he is literally buying his way in.
I thought the left was against that.
Someone’s pulling the strings.
See here.
Hat Tip to Ace of Spades
Exiliado, easy mistake to make. Where you went wrong was assuming consistency in Democratic/Leftest positions. What they are against is anyone to the right of their position being able to spend money to advance those positions, which by the way, are nazi, fascist and racist postitions.
They are against it but if the alternative is to see Sanders at the top of the ticket they will do whatever necessary to stop it.
Whatever are they going to do with all those “Billionaires Can’t Buy Bernie” bumper stickers.
I think a ready- made political cartoon would be any and/or all of these candidates leaning out of an old panel van and saying to a group of college students “would you like some candy?” It is a tactic consistent with their character.
Bernie and Bloomy should get along well, the uber capitalist vs the anti capitalist.
No, the Democratic Party is full of “capitalists” who (a) aren’t really capitalists, merely skillful at winkling money out of the taxpayer via government subsidies (cough *Elon Musk* cough), and/or more importantly (b) become socialists once their bankroll is sufficiently formidable that it is for all practical purposes beyond being dented by government action or taxation. The Democrats praise and raise currency manipulators, coal-mining magnates, and vulture capitalists, so long as the latter write big fat checks to the former. So it is entirely within the character of both the Democrats and Bloomberg for the Donkeys to boost Short Round as their Presidential magic bullet. Nothing like one New York plutocrat to take down another New York plutocrat — or so goes their thinking.
How much did he pay for these pills? And, did NapR at least send a tote bag?
Wow, if I were a suspicious person I would think this sounds like a set up……if I were the suspicious sort.
(Suspicious Minds, Elvis plays in the background)
As loathe as I am to watch a Democrat debate, with Bloomberg in it and all the claws out from the others to trip him up, I may actually tune in. I think Bloomberg is in for a bumpy ride.
Why couldn’t he just pay off the other candidates? He could make them all really rich. Sorry, I should have said richer. Except for Pete, he could use a big pay off.
Now the way Ransoms work is you never ever take the first offer up front.
You make the victim think you’re not going to do what they want for the first offer……..
At least that’s what Hollywood has taught us……
The only question I have is, “Will he stand on a box?”
Several cases of No-Doze……..
and if he stands on a box will other debaters be allowed to stand on a box and how tall can the box be and does it have to be the same for all candidates or can Amy have a taller box or does the box have to be in proportion to the candidates finish in the last three national polls – those Democrats sure !love their rules….
He has “19 percent support in a Marist, Newshour and NPR/PBS poll.”
I first read that as “Marxist Newshour and NPR/PBS poll”.
Well, to be fair, The Marxist Newshour would be an accurate name for it, these days.
Same here.
But we know PBS and NPR are Marxist tools……
I don’t think this even rated an over-under.
like Warren
is a FAKE Indian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope the Bernie Bros SUE and SHUT that FAKE DEBATE down.
Good take down of Mini Mike by Tucker.
let me guess the poll questions…
Q: have you heard of bloomberg or seen any of his ads?
Q:Do you want trump out of office?
Hey Mike, add another one to the support side !!
or maybe not, who the hell knows.
we can’t teach him how to plant a field and grow corn but we can watch him dig a hole and learn to code polls in it….
Warren really doomed her own campaign.
She thought she could tack left and push Bernie out of the way because he is an unelectable Socialist. She thought she could steal his supporters by being the more reasonable Democrat espousing the same socialist BS he does but without the Socialist tag. She would then win the nomination and tack back to the middle for the general.
What she under-estimated is that Bernie is a cult leader, there is no way his followers would abandon him so now she is stuck. She can’t beat Bernie yet Biden has imploded and she has surrendered the middle with the tack left and disavowal of corporate money so Mini Mike swooped right in to fill the vacuum and she is toast.
Fabulous outcome. The D’s will likely be running a Socialist or a Billionaire who bought the nomination for about $1B. No way Bernie’s crew votes for Mini Mike in the general and vice versa all but ensuring a second term for DJT.
Warren is the most dangerous kind of politician. Zero principles or beliefs in anything…she just wants power and will say or imitate anything she thinks is necessary to do it.
I am thankful for two things:
1. She’s not very good at this imitation game
2. There are still enough useful leftist idiots to see through it. While watching her get trounced in the general would be amusing, it would be a sad commentary on the divide in our country were she to win the nomination. That said, Sanders won’t make for a much better commentary if he wins it.
She is and always has been a schemer of the worst sort and this time it blew up in her face!