Almost Two Thirds of Ivy League Donations go to Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders
“Over the past four years, Ivy League employees have donated just over $1.7 million to presidential candidates”
No surprises here. Academia skews far left politically, and this is just further confirmation.
The College Fix reports:
Nearly two-thirds of Ivy League donations go to Warren, Sanders
Former Harvard and Penn professor Elizabeth Warren has dominated her Democratic presidential primary rivals in fundraising from employees of Ivy League universities, according to an analysis conducted by The College Fix.
Warren, a U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, collected 36 percent of all contributions made to major presidential candidates between 2017 and 2020, according to data collected from the Federal Elections Commission.
The next closest Ivy League fundraiser was Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who collected 26.6 percent of all the contributions donated to presidential candidates. Together, Warren and Sanders make up nearly two-thirds of all donations from individuals associated with the Ivy league.
Over the past four years, Ivy League employees have donated just over $1.7 million to presidential candidates, with Harvard University contributing the most at $521,000.
During that time, President Donald Trump, a Republican, collected only $11,748, or 0.7 percent of all Ivy League contributions. Trump graduated from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in 1968.
On the Democratic side, following Warren and Sanders were former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg (17.4 percent) and former Vice President Joe Biden (11.4 percent). Buttigieg is a graduate of Harvard University.
Amy Klobuchar, who last week finished third in the New Hampshire primary and who is considered among the most moderate Democratic candidates, collected only 6.1 percent of Ivy League contributions. Klobuchar is a Yale graduate.
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
This leads to the inescapable conclusion that too much sheepskin destroys brain cells.
This logic is every bit as good as most of what is in most academic papers, by the way. There might be a connection.
The difference between the average College graduate today and the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz is that the latter didn’t end up with crushing debt.
Trying to discuss anything with a Grad today is like talking to a straw man capable only of strawman arguments.
Poison Ivy League? Well people are scratching an itch…