The End Is Near

With any luck, by this time tomorrow night, the Schiff circus will have ended its run in the Senate with a vote not to allow Democrats to ‘Kavanaugh‘ the hearings.

Perhaps there also will be a vote to end the impeachment trial in its entirely, by dismissal or verdict.

It’s been a long time coming. At least 3 years, depending if you start counting from the day of Trump’s election or the Inauguration. This entire bad faith impeachment has been about the refusal to accept the 2016 election, and an attempt to damage Trump for 2020. Ukraine is the excuse, not the reason, for impeachment.

The end cannot come soon enough.

*Maybe* we’ll light the fireworks. Fireworks celebrating the failed coup, ratifying the 2016 election, and gladly looking forward to 2020 elections free from impeachment interference.

See you tomorrow night.


For headcount on which Republicans are voting to allow Schiff to Kavanaugh the trial, see this separate post.

[Featured Image: Nancy Pelosi handing out souvenir impeachment signing pens]

Tags: Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Trump Impeachment