Poll Finds Only Half in U.S. Now Consider College Very Important
“Decline in Positive Ratings of College Are Steepest Among Young Adults”

This is a good thing. People are finding alternatives like trade schools and entering the workforce.
Gallup reports:
Half in U.S. Now Consider College Education Very Important
About half of U.S. adults (51%) now consider a college education to be “very important,” down from 70% in 2013. Over the same period, the percentages rating college as “fairly important” and “not too important” have both increased, to 36% and 13%, respectively.
Decline in Positive Ratings of College Are Steepest Among Young Adults
Perceptions that a college education is very important have declined in the U.S. among all age groups since 2013, but the drop has been especially pronounced — 33 percentage points — among adults aged 18 to 29. As a result, younger adults are now less likely than middle-aged adults and seniors to consider college as very important, whereas the different age groups held similar perceptions in 2013.
Currently, slight majorities of adults aged 30 to 49 (51%), 50 to 64 (55%), and 65 and older (55%) say a college education is very important, compared with less than half of 18- to 29-year-olds (41%).

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This is still way too high.
College is not at all important, except to those wanting to be lawyers, physicians, engineers, professors, etc. who must have a degree to work in their chosen profession. For most others it’s a total waste of time and money. It provides little more than social and political indoctrination in falsehoods that they will have to unlearn to deal with reality (and that most don’t unlearn).
No more than 5-10% of people are capable of benefiting from real higher education. What passes for it today is a fraud driven mostly by the left to propagandize the public, and profit from it. The idea of producing well-rounded people with broad general knowledge and the ability to think logically, skeptically and deductively has disappeared in the overwhelming majority of education.
Knowledge is always valuable, but it does not have to come from a college.
The real issue is that colleges sell people by claiming they will get a better job.
One of my children went through college all the way to a PhD, with straight A’s. Liberal arts. Now they cannot find a job, 9 moths and counting. That has been a hard lesson. Everyone wants to dole out teaching a class here and there, and they pay crap with no benefits.
Young people are gullible, colleges tell then they will make big bucks, and then the same colleges keep them part time and string them along.