NC Democratic Senate Candidate Plays Identity Politics Card Against Chuck Schumer
“Sen. Schumer, for whatever reason, did not want an African American running for Senate in North Carolina,” said state senator Erica Smith.

A Democratic candidate for the Senate seat currently being held by Thom Tillis (R-NC) lashed out at Sen. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) at a recent campaign stop. She accused the former DSCC chairman of handpicking a primary candidate he wanted to win instead of allowing Democratic voters to decide.
But it didn’t stop there. State senator Erica Smith also told attendees that Schumer “for whatever reason, did not want an African American running for Senate in North Carolina.”
Video footage published by the Free Beacon shows Smith first speaking to the crowd about how she had “positioned” her political career in a way similar to how former President Barack Obama got started. She noted he, like her, started off as a community organizer, then ran for state senate, and then for the U.S. Senate.
Then, apparently referencing Schumer, Smith talked about how “he told us he was not gonna endorse in this race and would just let us duke it out. The next day,” Smith stated, “they sent DSCC staff. They told [former state senator] Cal Cunningham ‘you need to get out of the lieutenant governor’s race, and you get into the U.S. Senate race.'”
“Sen. Schumer, for whatever reason, did not want an African American running for U.S. Senate in North Carolina,” Smith alleged.
For the record, Cunningham is white.
In the very next sentence, however, Smith did a complete 180, saying the Democratic primary battle was “not about race.” She urged those in attendance not to vote for her because she would be the third black woman to “seek to do this” but because she was “the most qualified candidate for the job.”
That was a pretty classic Democratic tactic, to make a damaging insinuation about someone else and then try to walk it back in the next breath. Too late. Cat’s out of the bag on this one.
Smith then spent the next 2 minutes slamming the DSCC for what she perceives as meddling in the Democratic primary and urging voters to reject big money in politics.
Watch video of Smith speaking below:
Schumer and the DSCC both have been blasted by Democratic candidates for Senate across the U.S. for months for not letting the primary process play out in key Senate races, and this is not the first time the identity politics card has been played against them.
Back in August, six Democratic women running for the U.S. Senate in Colorado wrote a letter requesting the DSCC “reconsider” their endorsement of former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper.
“We are writing today to urge the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee to reconsider its early endorsement of former Governor John Hickenlooper. All of us, like many women in Colorado and across the country, have seen well-qualified women passed over for male candidates in the workplace time and again,” wrote Sen. Angela Williams, Alice Madden, Diana Bray, Stephany Rose Spaulding, Lorena Garcia and Michelle Ferrigno Warren to the DSCC, Sen. Chuck Schumer and Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto.
They sent the letter on Monday, which was Women’s Equality Day 2019 in the U.S.
“Those of us who have run for office before have been told to ‘wait our turn’ and ‘don’t rock the boat’ more times than we care to mention,” they wrote. “Now, the DSCC, by its endorsement, is implying that we should defer to a male candidate because you seem to believe he is ‘more electable.’ Colorado has never had a woman United States Senator and one has to wonder if circumstances such as this have contributed to that unfortunate outcome.”
To be fair, the DSCC has endorsed minority candidates in other races, presumably because they feel they have the best shot at winning those seats. But even with that in mind, watching Democrats gets hoisted by their own petard when it comes to the identity politics games they usually play against Republicans was just too karmic to ignore.
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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Love it when the Dems eat their own.
She sounds like a loony bin, and it seems more like she has modeled her approach after Warren than Obama.
That said, skewer ol’ Chuckles if you can.
Qualifications? Black female.
Don’t forget noisy.
Give her credit where it is do, she is not as hideous as Abrams. But she is still playing poor black card.
Maybe because he knew that a candidate like you world be African American first, and a representative of all of her district way didn’t the list.
What is it with overweight black women and their sense of entitlement to higher office?
You’ll see that come into play once again when the Dems end up drafting Moochelle at their convention.
In what universe does Big Mike qualify as a woman?
What is it with those who are dumb enough to vote for people like her?
Theee seems to be a bunch of them! In all 57 states!
What is it with overweight [[black women]] Hillary and [[their]] her sense of entitlement to higher office?
“‘Sen. Schumer, for whatever reason, did not want an African American running for Senate in North Carolina,” said state senator Erica Smith.”
“May I have the envelope, please?”
“And the winning reason is – Because the Democrat Party is the party of racists stretching back to the early part of the 18th Century”
Cory Booker: Dems Shouldn’t Have Two White Men on Ticket Anymore
In 1955 his party would have said the same thing about “nih-grahs “ if the speaker was a Southerner, and “schvartzers “ if from Noo Yawk.
Democratic Party 1820-2020 Celebrating 200 Years of Racism and Counting
Sort of catchy, isn’t it?
Is Smith one that Planned Parenthood is Funding?
Taxpayer-Funded Planned Parenthood to Spend $45 Mil to Elect Dems in 2020…
Penny ante. Bloomberg is talking 2 billion.
She must not read the national news about all Jews being attacked by blacks in New York.
It is ironic, and a demonstration of black stupidity, that they are attacking a group of people who have supported black causes. It is also ironic that some of the smartest people in the world seem to be blind to warts, such as sky high crime rates.
They deserve each other.
Intelligent, maybe. Smart? No.
This woman is speaking in front of a small room with empty seats. Why giver her the extra exposure?
All the comments and criticisms are valid, she just doesn’t need any additional boost. If she were in front of a packed gym or auditorium then by all means, spread the word.
Why are so many of these leftist women on the public dole FAT?
Cause the food is free.
Back when being on the dole meant 5lb blocks of “surplus” cheese, barrels of corn meal and flour, and sacks of beans, they weren’t fat.
Then, farm subsidy programs moved from the blatant handing-out of checks to something called Food Stamps and WIC and SNAP. From basic staples that were – at bottom – healthy, those on the dole could buy chips, sweetened cereals, snack cakes, and, later on, prepared foods like that sold in gas stations. In short: high-carbohydrate rubbish. Now, they are fat, and the productive of our society fund both the rubbish food, and the medical care and medicines needed by those who eat a steady diet of rubbish.
Yup. In the NYC “food desert” where you can visit a subsidized supermarket in her neighborhood, nobody buys the fresh fruits or pot roasts- lordy that stuff has to be cooked! So they carry back bags of chips, frozen pizza and giant bottles of Mountain Dew to their nicely renovated kitchens the taxpayers put in the housing project from time to time.
Basic life skills are gone, the one-parent teenage head-of-household ‘families’ making up most of the project don’t know anyone who can cook grandma’s meat loaf, mash a potato or even scramble some eggs!! Sadly, they don’t know anyone who knows anyone who can do these things either!
But now food stamps can be used on Amazon, so you can get pretty much whatever your obese, prediabetic, hypertensive heart desires. You don’t even have to go outside. Thank you, big government. Bah!
NYC?! She’s in NC, not NYC.
They need to lose their Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, politically congruent religion. Live by diversity, get divided by diversity. Don’t indulge color judgments (e.g. racism, sexism).
But Dems who Dems are……