Baby Walt Update — A Great Report

Baby Walt Update (2)
Walt is 2-months-old today and doing great.

Baby Walt was born November 24 via emergency c-section. Shortly after his birth, he was diagnosed with a rare heart condition and life lifted to Houston’s Medical Center.

December 9th, Walt had surgery to treat patent ductus arteriosus and repair the right atrium, both of which were exacerbated by his heart condition. Since then, we’ve been spared (he’s been spared) any further instance of literal life-threatening scare. The surgery was as great a success as it could be. Better even.

On Monday, December 30th five weeks and one day after entering the world, Baby Walt left the hospital and joined us at home.

We met with the Cardiologist last week. There have been so many doctors, I had no clue that this one was one of the first if not THE first to have helped Walt and was the one who insisted Walt be life flighted immediately after birth.

I introduced myself and Walt and he explained that he was well aware of Walt’s case. He’d been working with the surgical team and other physicians throughout Walt’s hospital stay. It was nice to not have explain everything yet again, but even better that this doctor seemed genuinely interested in and passionate about our son’s wellbeing.

We spent three hours at the doctor, which is a lot of time with a 7-week-old, but after an extensive echocardiogram, the Cardiologist said he couldn’t believe it was the same kid. “This is the absolute best case scenario and at this point in time, the best we could’ve possibly hoped for. I’m incredibly pleased.”

There are a few things to keep an eye on as Walt grows, but God already has those bits taken care of.

All praise and glory to God our Father who is working miracle after miracle and continues to do amazing things in our son and our family. His faithfulness in the smallest details of this ordeal has been truly incredible. We are blessed, grateful, and humbled by His goodness and the prayers and kindness of those we know and many we don’t.

Until the next great Walt report… My prayer for each and every one of you is Numbers 6:24-26:

24 The Lord bless you and keep you;25 the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;26 the Lord lift up his countenance[c] upon you and give you peace.

Tags: Baby Walt, Blogging