Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi declared Wednesday a solemn day and even wore black as the House voted to impeach President Donald Trump. She told the Democrats to behave and not celebrate the impeachment.
Many Democratic representatives refused to toe the line. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and others had a celebratory dinner the night before. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who screamed “impeach the mother f*cker” after her swearing-in, posted a happy and gleeful video on her way to vote.
Schiff and House Intel Dems drank and cheered at fancy dc restaurant last night.
Rashida ‘Impeach that MF’ Tlaib posted this giddy video on Instagram today.
But Pelosi had the audacity to say on live TV today that this is a ‘somber day’ and no one wanted this.
Sick people! pic.twitter.com/XMYb1bCqj1
— Alex Bruesewitz (@alexbruesewitz) December 19, 2019
With a huge smile, Tlaib said, “Hi, everyone! I’m on my way to the United States House floor to impeach Donald Trump on behalf of my incredible district!” Her staffers laughed as they followed her down the hall.
She used the hashtags #DefendOurDemocracy #13thDistrictStrong.
Remember this video? It took place on January 3, 2019, six months before the July call with the Ukrainian president.
Newly elected Democratic Congresswoman @RashidaTlaib to supporters earlier tonight: “We’re going to go in there, we’re gonna impeach the motherf****r.”
If you really don’t like Trump, you shouldn’t like this video, because this does the opposite of hurting him. pic.twitter.com/NLTKyOWbZZ
— Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) January 4, 2019
Trump responded:
This is what the Dems are dealing with. Does anyone think this is good for the USA! https://t.co/rvY3mDo69r
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 19, 2019
Adam Schiff
On Tuesday night, Schiff and the rest of the Democrats on the Intelligence enjoyed. Alex said they cheered on impeachment, but the video does not show it. However, it wouldn’t shock me if they did.
Hosting my holiday dinner at Charlie Palmer tonight.
Adam Schiff & House members thought that they would also come to one of the most expensive places in DC to celebrate their impeachment sham.
So in touch with the American people!
I lost my appetite because of these scum bags pic.twitter.com/jKKPUzgJzy
— Alex Bruesewitz (@alexbruesewitz) December 18, 2019
Adam Schiff and the entire democratic house intel committee were at a fancy restaurant last night drinking and cheering about the ‘impeachment.’
Now they’ll be on TV today saying what a somber and sad day in history this is…
These people disgust me.pic.twitter.com/jKKPUzgJzy
— Alex Bruesewitz (@alexbruesewitz) December 18, 2019

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If there was ever a burka ready woman, Talib is it!
Nothing can hide what she is full of….. HATE,
just like Pelosi is full of HATE,
and almost all the DEMS are full of HATE.
Proverbs 10:11
“….. the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.”
Luke 6:45
“….. and the evil person out of evil treasure produces evil; for it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks.
It deserves more than 1 upvote
Ugly inside and out, actually truly a hideous people, with a culture an order of magnitude worse than our inner cities.
She looks like Ernest Borgnine in drag.
Tlaib, your “work” is done. Now take a one-way flight back to your homeland and settle there.
israel doesn’t need any more like her, better to drop her in the ocean.
Um, this is her homeland. She’s just as American as you or I.
Children. At least half of congress is made up of smug children.
This does not bode well for the republic.
The will easily be re-elected.
Beware of Jew-hating fascists like this pig tlaib: she’d see you dead if she could.
She would still poll 70 30 favorably amongst Jews against trump or repubs running for any office or in any district in us. And even if prominent Jews might not campaign for her none would ever speak against her. And actually could see meat head f chuck todd tapper Schiff fat Gerry col sanders Cohen and Jussie etc being all in for her.
Many Americans born Jewish put leftism before their Jewishness. They’re committing suicide, of course, but the rest of us Jews resent them trying to get us killed along with them.
What an ugly, Jew-hating Islamic supremacist bigot.
The pride of the Dhimmi-crat Party.
Didn’t somebody say something about getting in their faces and telling them they are not welcome? And yet Adam Schiff’s smarmy face remains unchallenged…
You’re thinking as if these people think like we do: they do not.
The end game for them is communism, soviet style, with the current elites as the ruling elite of Amerika, their useful idiots enslaved as vassals, and the rest of us enslaved as slave laborers or murdered.
How’s that for a dose of reality?
We may not have a face (a living one) fairly soon if we don’t get a reality check as to what is happening in our country care of soros and the rest of the swamp/left/islamic crowd. The swamp/left/islamic axis is at war with us: literally.
The Antifa goons and black lives matter goons are the Red Guard/Brownshirts/Khmer Rouge.
Have we not learned by now that the likes of peolsi, clinton, obama (including his beast michelle) are wanna-be dictators, and the likes of idiots like mccain, boehner, flake, corker, romney etc are disposable tools)?
There are several books written by people living in Germany and in Austria at the time of the the rise of the Nazis in German government. What stunned every author was the awakening one day and realizing they are governed by the maniacs of the Third Reich.
We’re pissed right now, but collectively asleep as to the TITANIC threat hanging over our heads.
As Prsident Donald J. Trump goes, we go.
Good Thing DIMS don’t DO History,
so if they ever succeed
they’ll not know they are the first on the chopping block.
RE: “..with the current elites as the ruling elite of Amerika…”
I can’t wait for her to be sent packing. If you people represented by her would get off your backsides and recall her the rest of us wouldn’t have to deal with her till 2021
Recall? What is that? There is no such thing.