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There’s still time for a year-end donation to Legal Insurrection Foundation

There’s still time for a year-end donation to Legal Insurrection Foundation

We need more resources to carry our high-impact efforts into 2020.

In March 2019, we launched the Legal Insurrection Foundation and what a year we’ve had!

In the short time since we have brought high-impact investigations and community outreach, including:

And we’re just getting started!

But we need your help. We need more resources to carry our efforts into 2020.

There is still time to make a tax-deductible donation at the link below for credit card and paypal donations

Donate Now!

You can mail checks to: Legal Insurrection Foundation, 18 Maple Ave #280, Barrington, RI 02806

Donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. You can view our IRS approval letter here.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


Your comment section is horrible. You put the most recent comments at the bottom so no one can get a conversation going. Lousy comment sections lead to poor traffic to your website. Stop being stupid and you guys will get more traffic more donations and more add revenue.

Keep up the good work.
My many thanks.
Merry Christmas!


Very exciting times.

Done. Keep up the fight!