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Trump Begins the Process to Formally Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Accord

Trump Begins the Process to Formally Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Accord

US carbon emissions decline while economy grows.

The Trump administration officially notified the United Nations it will formally withdraw the US from the Paris Climate Accord, which is the first formal step in a one-year process.

The move would leave the US as the only country outside the accord, a decision President Trump promised early in his term to unfetter America’s domestic oil, gas and coal industries.

“What we won’t do is punish the American people while enriching foreign polluters,” Trump said at a shale gas industry conference in Pennsylvania on Oct. 23, referring to his planned withdrawal from the agreement.

The US issued its formal notification on the first day it was possible to do so, as signatories to the deal had to remain in for at least 3 years. And, despite plans to exit the agreement, the US has substantially reduced carbon emissions while expanding its economy.

“Compliance with the terms of the Paris accord and the onerous energy restrictions it has placed on the United States could cost America as much as 2.7 million lost jobs by 2025 according to the National Economic Research Associates,” Trump said in the Rose Garden in 2017 when he announced plans to remove the U.S. from the accord. “This includes 440,000 fewer manufacturing jobs — not what we need — believe me, this is not what we need — including automobile jobs, and the further decimation of vital American industries on which countless communities rely. They rely for so much, and we would be giving them so little.”

…In his statement Monday, however, [Secretary of State Mike} Pompeo maintained that the United States was on the right track both economically and environmentally.

“Our results speak for themselves,” he wrote. “U.S. emissions of criteria air pollutants that impact human health and the environment declined by 74 percent between 1970 and 2018. U.S. net greenhouse gas emissions dropped 13 percent from 2005-2017, even as our economy grew over 19 percent.”

In contrast, a July 2019 review of government data reveals China’s greenhouse gas emissions soared 50% between 2005 and 2014.

China’s climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions hit 12.3 billion tonnes in 2014, up 53.5% in just a decade, the environment ministry said on Monday, citing the country’s latest carbon “inventory” submitted to the United Nations.

China’s carbon emissions data is notoriously opaque, but as a signatory to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Beijing is obliged to submit an official inventory to the UN on a regular basis. It has previously released figures for 2005 and 2010.

As the world’s biggest greenhouse gas producer, China is aiming to bring its total emissions to a peak by “around 2030”, though it has also pledged to show “the highest possible ambition” when it reviews its targets next year.

If you can handle more Trumpenfreude, here is a selection from green justice warriors.

Though I must admit, I do like the idea of a treaty-ripping ceremony…as long as we properly dispose of the bits in the trash.

Now if we can only figure out a way to extract ourselves from the United Nations!


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Let’s not forget that the “Paris Climate Accord” is misnamed. It is not about the climate, but about wealth distribution, and even its proponents at the UN admit it.

Ottmar Edenhofer, lead author of the IPCC’s fourth summary report released in 2007 said in 2010, “One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth.”

U.N. climate chief Christina Figueres remarked that the true aim of the U.N.’s 2014 Paris climate conference was “to change the [capitalist] economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Valerie. | November 5, 2019 at 9:29 pm

    Carbon credits were all about making developed countries grease undeveloped countries palms. It would have been a huge capital outflow.

Best news of the day!

“The move would leave the US as the only country outside the accord…”

Riiigghhhhtt…. China and India are “inside the accord” but they are required to do relatively little by the accord.

Makes prog sense.

As Valerie says, the accord is about global wealth and income redistribution, not the climate.

The UN is a massive scam… get the US out of the UN and get the UN out of the US.

legacyrepublican | November 5, 2019 at 11:51 am

Is there some kind of “Ripping of the Treaty” ceremony for the US getting out of the Paris Climate accord?

I vote for burning the treaty and leaving a carbon footprint exiting the accord

Now how do we lock it down so the next Dem nut who gets into office doesn’t sign the thing while still standing at the podium where she takes her oath of office?

    clintack in reply to georgfelis. | November 5, 2019 at 1:49 pm

    President Trump just has to sign an agreement that the U.S. won’t enter the Paris Climate Accords for at least fifteen years.

    Apparently that’s binding on future Presidents. Who knew?

Anyone who gives a damn what Babs has to say is just as loonie as she is. We’re Americans damn it, we love fossils and fuels they make, hot dogs, apple pie, and big black smoke belching diesel duallies…

So the next step is nominating Bill Gates to take over the Department of Energy after Rick Perry leaves, with a mandate to complete development and deployment of Gen 4 nuclear power.

Watch greenie’s heads explode when Trump solves their carbon problem by making energy stupidly cheap.

there is nothing to get out of, until it is ratified by the senate, you know advise and consent of the senate we were never formally in it. see Kyoto

Though I must admit, I do like the idea of a treaty-ripping ceremony

What treaty is that?

The whole deal is a scheme to defraud the US.
With the US out, you can buy pop corn, sit back, and watch it crumble.

“Our results speak for themselves,” he wrote. “U.S. emissions of criteria air pollutants that impact human health and the environment declined by 74 percent between 1970 and 2018.

The way to defeat the socialist power-freaks is not to let them choose the battlefield. For starters, don’t swallow—or spread—that bilge about CO2 being a pollutant. It’s no more a pollutant than is oxygen.

I thought this was already a done deal.

“Now if we can only figure out a way to extract ourselves from the United Nations!”

Trump 2020, that’s the “way”.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Barry. | November 5, 2019 at 9:33 pm

    It seems that the EU and UN both support a bunch of useless bureaucrats, parasites on society.