Sanders Says Ocasio-Cortez ‘Will Play a Very, Very Important Role’ in His White House

2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) gushed over Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) in a joint interview in Iowa.

He apparently adores her so much that he wants her in his White House.

From ABC News:

With an eye on 2020, Sanders pledged that his partnership with Ocasio-Cortez would continue should he win the presidency.”If I am in the White House,” Sanders added, “she will play a very, very important role, no question, in one way or the other.”Sanders was asked what type of role.”No hints,” he said.

Sanders also said that he cannot think of anyone “who in the course of less than one year — she’s been in office less than one year, who has had more of an impact on American politics as a freshman member of Congress than she has.”

He described her as “a leader in the United States Congress” while claiming “[H]er ideas are resonating all over the country.”

Ocasio-Cortez joined Sanders on the campaign trail in Iowa after she endorsed him over Sen. Elizabeth Warren:

Ocasio-Cortez met with Sen. Elizabeth Warren before she ultimately decided to endorse Sanders. The New York congresswoman said Sanders’ Medicare for all plan and decades-long progressive record are what swayed her.”It’s about a personal story and a personal history, and I think his history and commitment is unique,” Ocasio-Cortez added. “I think we’re so used to electoral cycles about being the lesser of two evils that we are not used to selecting the best of great options.”

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders