“Deplorable” Voters Keep Sean Spicer on Dancing With The Stars
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“Deplorable” Voters Keep Sean Spicer on Dancing With The Stars

“Deplorable” Voters Keep Sean Spicer on Dancing With The Stars

“Aggrieved Trump haters have become increasingly agitated as popular support continues to propel Spicer towards an inevitable victory”


Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has had an unexpectedly successful run on the TV series Dancing With the Stars.

His continued presence on the show is confusing and outraging progressives, who revile him.

The funny thing is that Spicer is not a great dancer by any stretch, but conservative viewers keep voting for him in an effort to troll liberals. It’s working.

Andrew Stiles provides this tongue-in-cheek report at the Washington Free Beacon:

Dance Legend Sean Spicer Causes Bitter Libs to Lose Faith in Democracy

Sean Spicer must be getting tired of winning. The beloved former White House press secretary advanced to the next round on ABC’s Dancing With The Stars on Monday thanks to the overwhelming support of the voting public.

Spicer’s nautically themed jazz routine was panned by the so-called judges, but the will of the people carried the day after President Donald Trump urged Americans to cast votes for his former aide.

Spicer’s success on the dance floor has, predictably, caused the nation’s libs to lose their degenerate minds and abandon their faith in direct democracy. Aggrieved Trump haters have become increasingly agitated as popular support continues to propel Spicer towards an inevitable victory in spite of his low scores.

See Trump’s tweet below:

Even the New York Times has written about Spicer’s continued presence on the show:

While Trump’s tweets are definitely helping Spicer, there’s another person on Twitter who has made Spicer’s success a personal mission. The user known as ‘Comfortably Smug’ refers to his loyal followers as his minions. Together they vote for Spicer every week and then gloat about it.

Here’s an example of the left’s reaction to Spicer:

Again, one of the funniest aspects of this is the fact that Spicer really isn’t a great dancer. Watch his performance on the last episode and judge for yourself:

Featured image via YouTube.


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What’s alarming to me is that anyone on the ‘conservative’ side watches that show. What’s next, Survivor?

Dancing with the Stars started out as fun… People who were not dancers, stepping in and having at it.

It stopped being like that.. but Sean is a return to the way it used to be.. Somewhat.

Sean is showing gumption, and spirit. Who really cares if he is not technically proficient?

That and this is definitely a push back against progressives.


Suck it, progs!

So for those of us who have never watched this show and have no interest in it, can you give instructions on when and how we can vote for Spicer next time he’s up?

    sidwhite in reply to Milhouse. | November 6, 2019 at 8:54 am

    Mill, See the first DJT tweet above retweeting Sean’s voting instructions.

    Recently, Country DJ Bobby Bones? won – while definitely not one of the top few dancers. DWTS is designed as a technical/popularity contest. Looks like Spicer is very popular!

This is hilarious.

smalltownoklahoman | November 6, 2019 at 8:08 am

Huh, feel like this is somewhat like what this fellow is ranting about in the video linked below. Note some NSFW content (mostly language) so maybe wait until you are at home and have the headphones on before watching.


Anyways it is fun to see conservatives get back at least somewhat at libs. I suppose you could view this as a modern day example of the dangers of direct democracy. When majority rules the minority just has to sit there, take it, and fume!

Is funny only at first blush.

The point of competitions is to provide an arena of focused attention, greater than day-to-day experience, and to provide a space where people hone and test their skills.

Other alternatives exist. You can play chess and throw over the chess board. “I won!”

Imagine the demoralization of the other dancers. Shall they strive more? Competing in this show is hard work, or was.

“Everything is political” is an ideal that destroys standards. A Sean Spicer victory is a kind of leftist decadence, a diminishing of our culture.

Trump was necessary and still is. But what we really need is a conservative revival.

    JLSpeidel in reply to benm. | November 6, 2019 at 9:15 am

    This isn’t that kind of competition show. It has always been about popularity.

    iconotastic in reply to benm. | November 6, 2019 at 10:48 am

    Popularity with the audience overall prevents the competition from becoming an in-game by the professional judges. The audience cannot see the technical detail that the judges see (our view is filtered through the camera instead of being full field stereoscopic when in person). But we do see the personalities and larger movements of the dancers. But generally the dances the audience saves were inevitably eliminated in later rounds.

    I haven’t watched for a few years but I used to be an avid viewer/voter. Seeing someone progress from awful to good or even great was really nice. Some generalizations were always fun to develop (boxers/fighters were too tight, football players were often very good, models were usually bad, etc., etc.). Seeing J.R. Martinez win–really win, not simply get a consolation prize–was a fist-pump moment for me.

    People are playing politics to game this show. But how is that different from every other thing in our culture nowadays? If the personal is political for the left and ‘hate speech’ becomes any opposition then how is mobbing DWTS wrong? While I doubt any sudden realization by the left that things have gone too far non-watchers voting for Sean Spicer (who is a poor dancer) are providing a humorous lesson. And the show producers don’t mind a bit (no such thing as bad publicity).

    RandomCrank in reply to benm. | November 6, 2019 at 11:16 am

    Um, benm? There’s a song just for you. Maybe someone can figure out how to dance to it. LOL


    Gremlin1974 in reply to benm. | November 6, 2019 at 12:21 pm

    Popularity over actual talent has been a thing for many years. I mean just think about all the “celebrities” who are only famous for being famous. Now people get famous because they “dated” someone famous.

    I have one final argument that Celebrity is no longer about talent and I can sum it up in 2 words; “The Kardashians”

    Barry in reply to benm. | November 6, 2019 at 1:07 pm

    Crybaby benm.

    Just a damn crybaby.

Actually . . . this may not be mere frivolity, but a show of force.

All DJT has to do is send out a silly tweet, and the American demos responds. If he can mobilize overwhelming force for trivial fluff, what will he be able to do when the chips are down?

DWTS will never invite a conservative again. Hopefully their ratings will tank after Sean is off the show. Loving it!

Sean Spicer must be getting tired of winning. The beloved former White House press secretary advanced to the next round on ABC’s Dancing With The Stars on Monday thanks to the overwhelming support of the voting public.

Wait. I thought progs loved the idea of the “popular vote” determining the winner of elections.

“Democracy”, ya know.

    Barry in reply to rinardman. | November 6, 2019 at 1:09 pm

    Well, that’s what they say, but of course the reality is shown here:

    “We elites* should decide”.

    *I use the word as they believe they are. In reality they are nothing more than commie dupes and Traitors to America.

Few things illustrate the absolute death cult that is Trump’s hardcore superfans as perfectly as tens of thousands of people watching Sean Spicer dance extremely poorly and then voting that he was actually the best…”

Since when was this show about voting who is the best dancer? When horribly disfigured J.R Martinez won it in 2012, was he the best dancer? No. Martinez is an inspirational person.

When he was the Grand Marshall for the 2012 Rose Parade, I was the team captain for the Kick-Off luncheon and got to see him up close and watch him in action. He is the real deal, a truly inspiring man. I witnessed one person after another approach him and ask him if he would visit their hospitalized brother or son or friend who was wounded in Iraq and he said yes to every single one of them writing down the information. This was while was waiting to step up and make his speech. He then delivered a very entertaining speech without notes reflecting about his experience being GM. Nothing phony about this guy. He just lives in the moment and enjoys every bit of it. Who cares if he wasn’t the best dancer? It’s about rising to the challenge!

The libs just don’t get it. They really don’t believe ordinary people can see genuine truth. We not only see it, we connect to it.

    iconotastic in reply to Pasadena Phil. | November 6, 2019 at 11:02 am

    I was of the opinion that J. R. Martinez earned that win.

    TY Phil,
    This type of first hand account is priceless.
    I was thinking about Mr. Martinez myself, so glad you mentioned him.

      Martinez made huge impression on me. Every time I feel like whining, I remind myself of what his disfigurement represents and how he suffered to be that way. Yet he still found a way to rise above it without feeling sorry for himself. There are lots of veterans who’ve been horribly wounded and he is completely devoted to helping them and attacking life with gusto the way he does is really inspiring. There really are people like that.

It’s hilarious that they think all the Spicer voters are actually watching the show.

It’s not hilarious that they think he should be thrown in jail. For what? Details.

Comanche Voter | November 6, 2019 at 8:58 am

My wife rarely watches Dancing with the Stars–and I watch even less TV than my wife. But I did catch about two minutes of Sean Spicer on DWTS a few weeks ago. Sean is, shall we say,”comfortable” in his appearance. He’s no Charles Barkley Round Mound of Rebound in physique–yet, but he’s reaching the “portly” station along the way.

But you have to give the contestants (at least the non professional dancer contestants) pretty much an A for Effort–and Sean deserves that.

The rules of the game will change after this season. Deplorables can’t be allowed this much voice. Your vote can’t be tolerated if you’re not going to vote the right way.

I just stumbled on this situation yesterday on Twitter. You better believe that I’ll be voting next week. The article leaves out an important part of the story, though. The host, Tom Bergeron, had a hand in starting this. When Sean Spicer’s role was announced, Mr. Bergeron threw a hissy fit about “politicizing” the show (which, of course, matters only when the politics involved are conservative.) Since then, he has apparently made a point of a point of being rude and disparaging to Mr. Spicer. At which point the Dogs of War were apparently let loose.

Again, one of the funniest aspects of this is the fact that Spicer really isn’t a great dancer.

Hah! In an online video, I saw a side-by-side dance off with Spicer and his partner going next to Kate Flannery and her partner. Flannery is a gillion times the dancer that Spice is, yet Flannery was eliminated. Spicer, who is really a brave sole for going there each time on DWTS. Spicer is no dancer.

I watched DWTS when it first started. I stopped when it became apparent to me that audience voting mattered. It bothered me that the next step would be audience voting in Olympic gymnastics.

In any event kudos to Spicer for his bravey and sense of humor. And, thanks America for making liberal squeal.

I’d vote for him even though I couldn’t care less about the show. But it would require me to join Twitter, and one must draw the line somewhere. LOL

    Gremlin1974 in reply to RandomCrank. | November 6, 2019 at 12:22 pm

    You don’t have to join twitter, it’s by text and by going to ABC’s DWTS website.

      RandomCrank in reply to Gremlin1974. | November 6, 2019 at 12:34 pm

      Okay, when do I do this? The only shows I watch are Weather Nation updates, C-SPAN, and reruns of Law & Order, Rawhide, and the Outer Limits. So I know nothing about the schedule and don’t want to, but if I can piss off the “progressive” weenies by voting for Spicer, I’m all in if you’ll make it easy for me. LOL

        Close The Fed in reply to RandomCrank. | November 6, 2019 at 6:40 pm

        Pretty sure it’s Monday nights between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.

        Breitbart always has a headline for it when it’s going on.

          RandomCrank in reply to Close The Fed. | November 7, 2019 at 10:25 am

          Please don’t tell me I have to watch 2 hours of that dreck to cast a vote. Can I do it at any time, or is there a particular time window involved?

No way I’d ever watch that show. Network TV sucks.

Geez, I thought all sailors could dance like Gene Kelly. I know it is important because they send the Marines to 29 Palms to brush up on their moves before deploying to a MEU.

Too funny. Leftist fool/tool wants to criminalize political behaviour, but dosen’t like it when their DWTS voting system is gamed.

Irony, thy name is Spicer.

When Sean wins the whole thing, I think it’s only fair that all the other contestants get participation trophies.

I’m doubly amused by the libs reaction to this; they’ve been doing this kind of thing since the early 2000’s … I first heard about the “vote for the worst” trend during American Idol season 6 (2007) when the singer Sanjaya – a teenybopper heart-throb was kept around for several weeks by the VFTW campaign. Note that my memory isn’t so good as to remember the year – just the name. Google turned up a Wiki page on it and a web site. Per Wiki, Bristol Palin was promoted by VFTW on DWTS season 11. I guess the practice is only OK when the contestant is a full-blown lib-tard.

Check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vote_for_the_Worst

Close The Fed | November 6, 2019 at 6:42 pm

I was impressed by Sean’s dancing in the video linked above. Why? Because he REMEMBERED all the moves, and executed them in time with the other dancers.

I’d be hardpressed to remember all that in a week!

It seems that the more nasty and vindictive the judges are the more votes Sean gets

The left is able to intimidate sponsors and big business at the drop of a hat by threatening boycotts or demonstrations. This is the ONLY example of the right winning. As much as the left hates Spicer continuing on, they are outvoted by the right.

If only the right were to continue as organized and dedicated in other, more serious, matters, things might not be so crazy in USA.

What if all these Spicer voters were to contact and threaten Rachel Maddow sponsors like the left does to Tucker? Or, contact the sponsors who abandoned Tucker?