Will Republicans ultimately fold on impeachment and removal? (Reader Poll)

Trump Inauguration LI

Call it a “feeling” or a “hunch” or “my gut.”

But I sense there are many Republicans in Congress waiting for the excuse to get rid of Trump.

Not many have said so, so there’s not much evidence I can point to. Why do I “feel” this way?

The internal Republican pushback on hosting the G-7 at Trump’s Doral resort that caused Trump to cancel the plan, despite doing it at cost, for one; it was a sign of weakness. The media frenzy pushing the public perception needle, two. The comments of Lindsey Graham about being open to more evidence, for three. Mitt Romney joining the Resistance, for four; providing a Republican face to removal. Republicans being the stupid party, for five.

It’s just a crack in the armor, for now. The question is for how long will “for now” continue? And once the dam breaks, will enough Republicans hold?

20 Republicans would have to defect for removal, a tall hurdle, for sure.

I just have this sneaking suspicion that the media pressure is so intense that many weak links will break, and if they break, they will break at once when they find the excuse to do so.

What do you think?

Will Republicans ultimately fold on impeachment and removal? It’s YES or NO. There is no middle ground.

Poll open until Midnight (Pacific Time), Tuesday night October 22.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Mitt Romney, Reader Poll, Trump Impeachment, US Senate