Will Leftists Stick With Heart-Sick Bernie?

2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is still recovering from surgery for blocked arteries. Doctors inserted two sents into his heart, which led him to cancel events and appearances.

But the medical incident once again brought the ages of the top candidates to the forefront.

Will leftists stick with Sanders or will this health scare force them into the arms of another?

Sanders is 78. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is 70.

Vice President Joe Biden is 76. He has faced numerous questions about his age and stamina due to ramblings and memory lapses.

If Sanders wins in 2020 he will end his first term at 83-years-old.

Democratic strategist Erik Smith said the health problems could make “it harder for him to persuade new supporters to come into his column because this will at least be in the back of people’s minds.”

It does not help that Sanders has not recaptured the spark from his 2016 run:

The setback with his health also comes amid something of a political slump for Mr. Sanders in his second run for the presidency. He has continued to raise substantial amounts of money from his dedicated supporters — on Tuesday, his campaign celebrated an impressive third-quarter fund-raising haul of $25.3 million — and has remained among the top three contenders in the primary. But he has been unable to expand his base beyond those enthusiasts. In recent weeks, he shook up his staff in Iowa and New Hampshire, the first two nominating states, in an effort to jump-start his candidacy as Ms. Warren passed him in some polls.

The Wall Street Journal reported that betting places knocked out Sanders from the top tier after he landed in the hospital while “elevating Ms. Warren’s chances of winning the nomination to over 50%.”

The New York Times mentioned a Pew Research Center poll from May, which shows that registered Democrat voters prefer candidates in their 50s:

When asked about the ideal age for a president, most Democrats say they prefer someone in their 40s through their 60s, with nearly half (47%) saying the best age for a president is “in their 50s.”Two of the Democratic Party’s best-known candidates, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, are in their 70s, yet only 3% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say this is the best age range for a president. And just 6% say it would be ideal for a president to be in their 30s.

It’s obviously at the front of the candidates’ minds, too. Warren always jogs to the stage during an event. Biden runs through parades.

Sanders has also tried to push doubts out of people’s heads. He has played softball at the famous Field of Dreams baseball field in Iowa. He hates taking time off, constantly traveling from campaign spot to another.

Maybe with older presidential candidates, the younger generations (like mine) will start taking age into consideration. The Wall Street Journal editorial board suggests that may not be a bad idea:

Yet while some voters are ideological, others are moved by personality and other attributes. Many Sanders supporters are attached personally to the irascible populist. They might look for a new tribune among the still-crowded Democratic field. Supporters who appreciate what is sometimes called Mr. Sanders’ blue-collar appeal might be drawn to Mr. Biden.Even as the media often describe the Democratic coalition as young and forward-looking and GOP voters as aging into irrelevance, Baby Boomers and older politicians still control high elected office in the Democratic Party. Thanks to the miracles of modern medicine, they may do so for a while. But as with the 73-year-old Mr. Trump, voters will need to take age into account, and the vice-presidential choice may take on greater importance.

Warren has taken over the top spot in a few polls from Biden: Economist/YouGov, Monmouth, and Quinnipiac. Overall, Biden leads RealClearPolitics national average to 2.2%.

The real test will come in the next debate. Sanders said he will participate in it, which takes place on October 15 in Columbus, OH.

Humanity over politics. I wish Sanders a speedy recovery and will keep him in my prayers.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Bernie Sanders