Who will be the first to flip in spygate criminal investigation?

It was clear after the release of the Mueller Report that Attorney General William Barr was determined to get to the bottom of the spying on Trump and his campaign.Because of that expressed determination, Barr became a public enemy. On May 2, 2019, I wrote, Bill Barr is going to expose Spygate, and the Democrat-Media Russia Collusion Complex is panicking:

It was Barr’s comments about spying on the Trump campaign, and his pledge to investigate that spying, that explains the frenzy to take down Barr. That spying, regardless of whether lawful, has the potential to be a scandal that could touch deep into the Obama administration, and some former officials who loom large in the anti-Trump resistance.It also could reach deep into the media, with the involvement of Fusion GPS in feeding Russian-provided, Clinton/DNC paid-for, disinformation to the mainstream journalist community.So the stakes are huge. The Russian collusion scandal may be a Democrat and media scandal. People may go to jail for that collusion, and if so, they may be the first people to go to jail over Russian collusion involving the 2016 election.Barr is the single greatest threat to the Democrat-Media Russia Collusion Complex. That’s why Democrats, with help from the mainstream media, will spare no effort to tarnish Barr as a way of discrediting the investigative train that is rolling down the tracks.

When Barr appointed John Durham to handle the investigation, later in May, the finger-pointing among those involved in investigating Trump started, leading to the the pressing question was Who’s going to cut a deal first in Spygate?

The drama between Brennan and Comey is just the surface. The Durham investigation could reach out of the FBI-CIA up through the Obama administration, including then Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the White House itself.There is the potential for a lot of finger pointing, as Karie Pavlich tweeted:

The Comey vs Brennan vs Clapper vs Lynch vs Obama show is going to be awesome

Since the NY Times reported that the Durham investigation is a criminal investigation, that is the question again.

The stakes are so much higher for those involved. Whoever cuts a deal first could be spared prosecution or prison. So someone is likely to sing, and that someone likely is a mid-level person in the FBI who was disgusted with what happened but close enough to it that the person is at risk.

Rush made that point today:

To me all of this is so obvious that it doesn’t even need an investigation. It’s already been investigated, it’s been learned, but they’ve gotta be able to prove it in court if they want to go there. They’ve got to get testimony. When they impanel this grand jury, folks, I’m telling you, that’s when people start flipping, that’s when people start asking themselves, “Do I want to go to jail for John Brennan? Do I want to go to jail for Obama? Do I want to spend some time in jail for Clapper or Comey?”This is when these questions start getting asked of people. You know, their loyalty will be tested. And we don’t know how that’s gonna go. But all it’s gonna take is one person to flip. And even if that person eventuates, surfaces, if there is a successful effort to make one of them flip, I can’t predict. I just think everybody is involved in this, even some people in the Trump White House are involved in it. It just depends on how far they want to dig up and go and how far they think they need to go to prove what this was.

Durham leading the charge should strike fear in the heart of the deep state:

So I’ll repeat the question

Who will be the first to flip?

Wait. Maybe the question should be:

Who was the first to flip? Because it may already have happened.

Tags: John Durham, Trump Spygate, William Barr