Three “Squad” Members to Endorse Bernie Sanders
“Bernie is leading a working class movement to defeat Donald Trump that transcends generation, ethnicity and geography” Rep. Ilhan Omar

Rep. Tlaib, Rep. Omar, and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez are throwing their support behind fellow socialist, Bernie Sanders.
Tuesday, it was reported that AOC was throwing her political weight behind Sanders, whose recent heart attack at the age of 78 has left him scrambling for support among younger voters.
Wednesday, Fox News reported Reps. Tlaib and Omar were joining in endorsing the aging Senator’s presidential run.
Three members of the so-called “Squad” of far-left freshman members of Congress are lining up behind Sen. Bernie Sanders for president.
Fox News has learned that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., will appear with Sanders on Saturday in Queens, N.Y., at a “Bernie’s Back” rally designed to generate excitement for the senator’s campaign following his recent heart procedure. Rep. Ihan Omar, D-Minn., will also endorse the candidate, Fox News confirmed.
In addition, CNN reported that Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., will endorse Sanders as well. It was not immediately clear if Omar and Tlaib will appear at Saturday’s event.
“Bernie is leading a working class movement to defeat Donald Trump that transcends generation, ethnicity and geography,” Omar was quoted as saying in a statement posted on Twitter by the Sanders campaign — and that Omar retweeted on her own Twitter page.
“I believe Bernie Sanders is the best candidate to take on Donald Trump in 2020,” Omar added.
The endorsements would be a significant blow to the campaign of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who, like Sanders, has been representing the party’s progressive wing.
Word of the endorsements also followed Tuesday night’s Democratic debate in Ohio, where Warren was under attack from multiple candidates after rising in the polls in recent weeks.
From Omar:
IT'S OFFICIAL: @IlhanMN has endorsed @BernieSanders
— People for Bernie (@People4Bernie) October 16, 2019

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I guess Osama bin Laden is no longer available.
Yeah — something got into bin Laden’s head.
bin-Laden was not a natural born American Citizen
Just like Barrack Obama!
Well, freaks are attracted to other freaks, so…
Guess the non muslim black chick is holding her powder dry
Probably for Kamala toes
The kiss of death.
They all say they’re leading a working class movement. Was the working class any better off in the Soviet Union, or in Cuba, or in Venezuela after the Socialists/Communists achieved power? Working class individuals as well as the rest of us should heed the following aphorism: Three things that should not be believed: I’ll respect you in the morning; the check is in the mail; and, I’m from the government, and I’m here to help you.
They’re aspiring to work in the Kremlin, the staff figures it’ll be in the NKVD. You get some very nice perks when people know you can send them to the gulag.
It’s a bad solution in search of a problem that creates more problems.
Rather be fishing than doing your job? Let me stir up controversy to get you that!
Muslims endorsing a Jew for president?
/yes, yes… I know.
I would be more surprised if they didn’t
Oh? Why is that? Just curious…
Omar joined with them recently when she learned that Louis Farrakhan isn’t a declared candidate.
“Transcends generation, ethnicity, and geography”
Translation: We forgive Bernie for his cis male whiteness because he is doing what we want him to do. It’s in the back pocket though if we want to ever pull that card.
Also, does the “squad” remind anyone of Ocean’s 8? It’s akin to a poorly made movie that won’t stop playing on TV in the hopes that people watch it for “fun wokeness” (that’s an oxymoron)
Socialists supporting a socialist. No surprise here.
Socialists support socialists.
Until they get power at which time elections will be eliminated.
Ilhan, my dear, Bernie will never be able to pardon you or restore your citizenship.
Like flies drawn to dung.