Professor Jacobson in Houston: Winning the Raging Free Speech Wars

Monday night, we had the privilege of putting faces to screen names at our first ever Legal Insurrection reader reception. I’ve said often and firmly believe we have one of the internet’s best readerships and having the opportunity to meet our readers in-person confirmed as much.

We visited, ate nachos, and had cake to celebrate Legal Insurrection’s 11th birthday.

Following the reception, we moved to a banquet room where we joined our friends at the Kingwood Tea Party. There, Professor Jacobson discussed the free speech wars, which we end up fighting regularly, thanks to the big tech powers that be.

Watch here:

And Q&A found here:

A huge “thank you!” to everyone who braved the weather to spend time with us. We appreciate you and look forward to getting out and about around the country to meet even more of y’all in the coming months.

Tags: Houston, Legal Insurrection Foundation, Media Appearance, Texas, William Jacobson Speech