Elizabeth Warren Still Refuses To Admit Medicare For All Will Raise Middle Class Taxes
Klobuchar: “At least Bernie’s being honest here and saying how he’s gonna pay for this and that taxes are going to go up.”

At the fourth Democratic primary debate, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) took on Elizabeth Warren for constantly refusing to admit that her Medicare for All plan would raise taxes on the middle class.
Warren’s refusal to admit the obvious is becoming the signature of her campaign.
Medicare for All came up in the CNN/New York Times debate. Once again, Warren refused to admit the obvious. Instead, she vomited her usual attacks on corporations and the wealthy:
“Let me be clear on this. Costs will go up for the wealthy. They will go up for big corporations. And for middle-class families, they will go down,” Warren said when asked if her proposal would require an increase in middle class taxes. “I will not sign a bill into law that does not lower costs for middle-class families.”
Grab the popcorn:
“At least Bernie’s being honest here and saying how he’s gonna pay for this and that taxes are going to go up,” she [Klobuchar] said. “I’m sorry Elizabeth, but you’ve not said that, and I think we owe it to the American people to tell them where we’re gonna send the invoice.”
“I appreciate Elizabeth’s work. The difference between a plan and a pipe dream is something that you can actually get done,” she added.
You go, Buttigieg:
“A yes or no question that didn’t get a yes or no answer,” Buttigieg said. “Look, this is why people here in the Midwest are so frustrated with Washington in general, and Capitol Hill. No plan has been laid out to explain how a multi-trillion-dollar hole in this Medicare for All plan that senator Warren is putting forward.”
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) with the mic drop:
After Warren responded by stating Medicare for All is the “way we get health care coverage for every single American,” Bernie Sanders added, “as someone who wrote the damn bill” that “it is appropriate to acknowledge that taxes will go up.”
WATCH: Elizabeth Warren was repeatedly confronted by fellow Democrats for refusing to admit her “Medicare for All” plan will raise taxes on the middle class, and how she hasn’t admitted to how she would pay for any of it. #DemDebate pic.twitter.com/tCoDpknYbi
— MRCTV.org (@mrctv) October 16, 2019
You know Twitter was all over this.
So Mayor Pete and Senator Klobuchar, two candidates we haven’t heard a lot about recently, clearly dominating Biden and Warren and Sanders. Now what Democrats?
— Susan Glasser (@sbg1) October 16, 2019
Klobuchar is now accusing Elizabeth Warren of using “Republican talking points” and I’ve now seen it all.
— Caleb SkHull ??? (@CalebJHull) October 16, 2019
Klobuchar not having any of this from Warren. Good for her.#DemDebate live
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) October 16, 2019
Y’all? I hate to say it but if Elizabeth Warren is getting this flustered by Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar she will not be able to handle Donald Trump. #DemocraticDebate
— Florida Chris (@chrislongview) October 16, 2019
Amy Klobuchar has had it up to here with Warren’s demagoguing #DemocraticDebate pic.twitter.com/J4ud4C2J9z
— Albert Eisenberg (@Albydelphia) October 16, 2019
Warren:……. I think-Mayor Pete & Klobuchar: pic.twitter.com/3z66DJbWiH
— Justin Von Zarovich™ (@IamJustinJordan) October 16, 2019
Klobuchar: “I just want to give a reality check to Senator Warren.”
Amy came to play today and Warren does not have any good answers for it outside of just talking around the attacks. #DemDebate
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) October 16, 2019
Klobuchar is starting to look like she has all the upside of Warren, minus the racial fraud baggage
— Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) October 16, 2019
Amy Klobuchar going after Elizabeth Warren tonight…. pic.twitter.com/sYZP34Y0P4
— Drew McCoy (@_Drew_McCoy_) October 16, 2019
Klobuchar is about to throw a binder at Warren. #DemDebate
— Jessica Fletcher (@heckyessica) October 16, 2019
Warren has pissed Amy Klobuchar off. ???????#DemocraticDebate #DemDebate pic.twitter.com/6wzG0cAL2R
— Leftward Swing ?? (@LeftwardSwing) October 16, 2019

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Yeah, that’s the way to control spiraling costs—just plug the healthcare establishment directly into the federal wallet.
Democrats may not be too smart, but they’re reliable.
You can bet your last dollar that she is hiding this from all of us…..
Taxes will go up
Your healthcare will go down
Warren’s refusal to admit the obvious is becoming the signature of her campaign.
Oh, great. When she loses to Trump, she’ll be another Hilliary, refusing to admit that she lost.
Scold/shrew/nag Warren is utterly vile. All the mendacity and narcissism of crone Hillary, with none of the charm (that’s a joke).
Which brings me to an obvious question — when is someone going to ask Warren about her disturbing misandry? Every time this termagant opens her wrinkled mouth, she denigrates, vilifies or insults men. It’s disturbing to watch.
There is no way on Earth that this miserable scold wins the presidency, and, it will only be a matter of time before she makes her own “Deplorables” gaffe, such is the self-congratulatory narcissism of this fabulist, when she gets in front of an adoring crowd of Dhimmi-crats.
If this know-nothing witch becomes the Dem nominee, they might as well skip the general election and just hand Trump another term. Which is fine with me. Warren is even harder to stomach than Shrillary much of the time.
If you lie and deny the consequences of these vote buyer initiatives, there will always be one segment of the population gullible enough to believe it and another segment that doesn’t care that it is a lie.
They say “taxes” – Warren costs “costs” …
The inference I draw from that is Warren knows taxes will go up, but the average out of pocket healthcare expense people pay will go down. For example, where a number of Obamacare plans have a $5,000 annual deductible, a person’s taxes could go up $4,999 per year and they’d save a buck if they didn’t have to pay a $5,000 deductible, so per Warren’s spin, it “costs” less (whoop-de-do!). The downside of course, it’s the rare year most households have to fork out a $5,000 deductible. But taxes are forever under Democrats.
Man – these Dem debates are kinda like watching the old claymation celebrity death match videos.
“… Warren
costssays “costs” …”Amy who?
Give her last name the Ben Stiller treatment: Klobber-r-rer.