Elizabeth Warren Doubles Down, Fundraises Off Her Debunked Pregnancy Discrimination Story

Elizabeth Warren rails against guns in Dem debate

On Sunday, a video surfaced that showed 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) changed her story about why she left a teaching job years ago. Then documents appeared, which also called Warren’s changing account into question.

Instead of admitting anything, Warren has chosen to double down.

Warren stands by her claim that she was discriminated against for being a pregnant woman. You’ll be shocked to learn that the media is accepting her explanation, pretty much without question.

Zak Hudak and Bo Erickson wrote this piece for CBS News:

Elizabeth Warren stands by account of being pushed out of her first teaching job because of pregnancyOn the campaign trail, Elizabeth Warren often tells the story of how she was fired from her first teaching job in 1971 because she was pregnant, a pivotal moment that ultimately put her on a path to Harvard, the United States Senate, and quite possibly the presidency. But recently, several media outlets have questioned the veracity of these claims.In an exclusive interview with CBS News on Monday evening, Warren said she stands by her characterizations of why she left the job.”All I know is I was 22 years old, I was 6 months pregnant, and the job that I had been promised for the next year was going to someone else. The principal said they were going to hire someone else for my job,” she said…Asked by CBS News why she told the story differently at Berkeley a decade ago, Warren said her life since her election to the Senate in 2012 caused her to “open up” about her past. “After becoming a public figure I opened up more about different pieces in my life and this was one of them. I wrote about it in my book when I became a U.S. Senator,” she said in a statement from her campaign.

Well, I guess that’s it then. No need to press the issue any further. If you thought the media was in the tank for Obama in 2008, just wait until you see the way they will go to bat for Warren in 2020.

The media is also going to ignore the fact that Warren has a clear pattern of behavior here:

Warren is now fundraising off this issue. Here’s part of an email her campaign put out yesterday:

When right-wing smear campaigns try to dismiss our lived experiences, we can fight back by telling our stories.Ever since I was in second grade, I knew I wanted to be a public school teacher. And after some twists and turns, I got to live my dream.But when I was 22 and finishing my first year of teaching, I had an experience millions of women will recognize.By June I was visibly pregnant — and the principal told me the job I’d already been promised for the next year would go to someone else.This was 1971, years before Congress outlawed pregnancy discrimination — but we know it still happens in subtle and not-so-subtle ways.My story is not unique. And now, right-wing media outlets are dismissing my story — and in doing so, dismissing many similar stories of other women who have also been affected by pregnancy discrimination.We need to call out right-wing smears when we see them — including this one. As our grassroots movement continues to grow, we fully expect to see more of these far-right hit jobs. Our job is to stop them dead in their tracks.

Consider this a preview of the 2020 race if and when it becomes clear that Warren will be the Democrat nominee. The same media that has aggressively scrutinized everything Trump has said and done, will suddenly assume the role of palace guards for Warren.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Democrats, Elizabeth Warren, Media Bias