WaPo: Elizabeth Warren Taking Selfies Makes Her Just Like Frederick Douglass

If you want to know how the liberal media is going to treat Elizabeth Warren going forward, especially if she gets the Democratic nomination, a recent piece in the Washington Post is a good indicator.

Warren’s campaign has found a useful new hook. She sticks around after events to be photographed with supporters. Hannah Natanson of the Washington Post has somehow managed to link this to the famous former slave, abolitionist, and author Frederick Douglass:

Frederick Douglass photos smashed stereotypes. Could Elizabeth Warren selfies do the same?They look nothing alike.Frederick Douglass — a black man campaigning for the abolition of slavery in the 1840s — appears alone in almost every photograph, staring down the camera in isolated, thoughtful splendor. Elizabeth Warren — a white woman campaigning for the presidency in 2019 — features today in countless iPhone photos and Instagram feeds, her arm around voter after voter, always bearing the same wide grin.The two are separated by race, gender and more than 100 years of history that forged an America that would probably be unrecognizable to Douglass. Still, experts say, their use of photography collapses the distance: Douglass sat for scores of pictures to normalize the idea of black excellence and equality, and Warren’s thousands of selfies with supporters could do the same for a female president.“It is cognitively harder for people to think about women in the role of political leader because we haven’t seen a lot of women in political leadership,” said Nichole Bauer, a professor of political communication at Louisiana State University. “With this selfie factory, she’s normalizing that image — in the same vein that Douglass used photography.”

This Twitter user, who I don’t know, shares my last name and my feelings on this:

Wait until the left finds out Frederick Douglass was a Republican.

Andrew Kugle of the Washington Free Beacon notes that the media has embraced the Warren “selfie” narrative with obvious enthusiasm:

Media: Warren Took Some SelfiesPolitical reporters and cable news anchors were impressed by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D., Mass.) ability to stand and take “selfies” for four hours after her rally on Monday night.”The fact that she can do this for even four hours … that in and of itself is pretty remarkable,” CNN correspondent MJ Lee said.Reporters from the Washington Post, New York Times, and CBS shared on social media their amazement at Warren’s ability to stand and pose for hours.

He also provides this reel of slobbering journalists:

They don’t seem biased at all, do they?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Elizabeth Warren, History, Washington Post