Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Decides Not Run for President as Independent

In case you guys forgot, former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz had thoughts about running for president in 2020 as an independent.

Schultz announced this morning he has abandoned those plans because “an independent campaign for the White House is not how I can best serve our country at this time.”

In other words, he knew it would waste his time and money because he would go nowhere.

Schultz planned a center-left candidacy, which could have become a threat to the Democrats. Many cast him as a spoiler and warned him running could lead to President Donald Trump’s second term.

I doubt Schultz would have been a spoiler. The Democrats will probably spoil themselves since super far-left “progressives” dominate the 2020 field.

After all, instead of concentrating on issues that matter to the majority of Americans, the Democrats have chosen to cackle over climate change, extreme gun control measures, and seizing our private health insurance.

Schultz wanted to spend around $100 million on his campaign, but will use that money to fix our system:

My belief in the need to reform our two-party system has not wavered, but I have concluded that an independent campaign for the White House is not how I can best serve our country at this time.I will spend this election cycle and the years ahead supporting bold and creative initiatives to transform our broken system and address the disparity of opportunity that plagues our nation.The money that I was prepared to commit to a presidential campaign will instead be used to invest in people, organizations and ideas that promote honesty, civility and results in our politics, and that move the country beyond two-party gridlock. Common-sense policies and initiatives that can help address widening inequality at home, while strengthening America’s standing in the world, will be a priority. Among my early efforts will be to advocate for increased national service opportunities for young people.

Fix our system. Have these people not followed the chaos in the United Kingdom and Italy?

But anyway, we have one less candidate to worry about.

Tags: 2020 Election