UK Coal Restrictions Could Put an End to Historic Steam Locomotive Operations
The UK government’s negligence could create an uncertain future for the preservation of these historical artifacts.

As the country moves towards a carbon-neutral future, officials plan to shut down every coal plant in the UK by 2025.
Members of the £400m steam train industry have said they face an “uncertain future” and have asked for government help, as they fear the coal price rises that will be caused by the plant shutdown will put them out of business.
Conservative councillor Thomas Smith, who drives a steam train in Norfolk said: “Every railway enthusiast needs to write to their MP, and create a big stink.
“Britain is burning so little coal now it’s almost all gone from electric generation, time to tackle coal abroad and oil fuels at home…”
Ian Crowder, from Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway, told the BBC: “It’s all very well the government gives us reassurances but those reassurances needs to be in legislation.”He said: “It’s the law of unintended consequences: no-one including government wants railways to be affected but if other coal use disappears that would be the effect. UK currently uses 12m tonnes coal pa – railways use just 26,000 tonnes pa”.
A Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy spokesman said: “Our policy of phasing out coal in our power system by 2025 will not restrict its use for heritage railways.

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The fact is, politicians and fabulists make terrible decisions based on wishful thinking.
It goes back to the same joke:
Q: What did socialists use for light before candles?
A: Electricity.
Here in the United States, historical railroads have similarly remained mercifully unscathed by the ambitions of the progressive left and this year’s push for the Green New Deal.
. . . These laws serve as a good reminder that the benevolence of the government comes with unintended side effects.
The Green New Deal is NOT about benevolence. It is about government dominance of all aspects of life and society. Very Mussolinian, in fact. Or worse, very Progressive. Unlike them, Mussolini at least had the great virtue of honest patriotism.
Don’t mess with the locomotives! Where’s my inner Sheldon??
“As the country moves towards carbon-neutral power sources in the country’s fight against climate change…”
You mean as the country virtue-signals using the junk science of climate change as an excuse.
Hogwarts Express hit hardest…
Here in the United States, historical railroads have similarly remained mercifully unscathed by the ambitions of the progressive left and this year’s push for the Green New Deal.
who told you that?
eastern roads and their locomotives used anthracite and thats getting hard to comeby for heritage fleets.
western roads used more of a bituminous but western fleets having to convert to oil due to fire danger from bad forestry practices.
so yeah….they have not been unscathed
The S.S. Badger (a car ferry offering regular scheduled service across Lake Michigan) is the last coal-fired passenger steamship operating in the United States.
Presumably its boilers could be fired with propane or some other fuel if coal becomes too expensive, or if the regulations regarding its use become too onerous. Although it would lose some authenticity in the process. Even though it’s just one ship, it has been (and remains) the target of some zealous environmentalists who think it should not be operating.