Twitter Locks Out “Team Mitch” for Sharing Video of Protesters Chanting Death Threats At McConnell Home
Yet Twitter allowed #MassacreMitch to trend for days.
Twitter locked out @Team_Mitch, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s campaign account, after it posted pictures of people protesting outside of his home and literally calling for his head. That meant the account could not post new tweets.
The social media platform took this action even though it allowed the hashtag #MassacreMitch to trend for days after the shootings in Dayton and El Paso.
McConnell’s campaign manager spoke to The Courier-Journal:
“This morning, Twitter locked our account for posting the video of real-world, violent threats made against Mitch McConnell. This is a problem with the speech police in America today,” McConnell campaign manager Kevin Golden told the Courier Journal. “The Lexington Herald-Leader can attack Mitch with cartoon tombstones of his opponents. But we can’t mock it.
“Twitter will allow the words of “Massacre Mitch” to trend nationally on their platform but locks our account for posting actual threats against us,” Golden added. “We appealed and Twitter stood by their decision, saying our account will remain locked until we delete the video.”
Twitter spokeswoman Katie Rosborough insisted that the company suspended @Team_Mitch because it posted “a Tweet that violated our violent threats policy, specifically threats involving physical safety.”
FYI we are still locked out.
— Kevin Golden (@KevinGolden88) August 8, 2019
Yes, Twitter suspended the account for that tweet. Twitter also targeted The Daily Wire’s Ryan Saavedra for posting the same video.
Twitter asked me yesterday to delete this tweet:
It showed a person allegedly calling for violence against Mitch McConnell
The person appears to be a BLM activist who has met with Elizabeth Warren
I said no and they suspended me *and* McConnell’s re-election campaign
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) August 7, 2019
Saavedra pointed out Twitter’s hypocrisy. Ever since the shootings, author Reza Aslan has gone on a rampage on the social media platform. He told Kellyanne Conway that she is “the depraved evil” that needs to be eradicated. Louis Farrakhan constantly posts racist and anti-Semitic tweets. Twitter countered by removing his blue checkmark.
Actor Peter Fonda once wanted all the women in Trump’s administration to be stripped naked and beaten. Oh, he also wanted their kids thrown in cages with pedophiles.
Leftists have bombarded radio host Dana Loesch with death threats and harassing tweets since the shootings. Will Twitter address those in the same way as it did with McConnell’s tweet?
Twitter has also allowed Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro’s account to remain active even though he outed his own constituents who donated to Trump.
Twitter can do whatever it wants since its a private company. But we the people can call it out, even on the platform, when it shows blatant hypocrisy in treatment of those not on the left.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
The de-platforming of non-communists in 2019 and beyond will be massive and dwarf anything that has gone before. Twitter accounts, Facebook posts, Internet websites, TV and radio advertisements – anything that disagrees with the communist line will be subjected to banning.
The goals of the MSM/DNC axis in this North Korea-style de-platforming are (1) hide evidence of left-wing terrorism, which is now ubiquitous, and (2) throw the 2020 election to communist candidates.
“Twitter can do whatever it wants since its a private company. ”
Not exactly, if they are ruled to have common carrier status.
That’s not how s.230 of the CDA works, nor do you want it to.
Soi-disant “conservatives” really need to resign their commissions in the Free Shit Army, stop whining that their Free Shit has been cut off by a private company exercising its Constitutionally-guaranteed right(s) to property, and move to any of the dozens of other online social services that require payment and therefore fall under contract law.
Learn how the Internet works (protip: stop listening to PragerU). The Internet is more than just four web sites.
That’s not how YOU think it works. Noted. And monopolies get broken up all the time.
Remember Backpage Bud? The Communications Decency Act is not a license to censor speech for political purposes. Such censorship is inherently indecent.
Not sure where you’re going with that but Twitter’s TOS states that you are entering into a “binding contract” between yourself and Twitter if you sign up for and use a Twitter account. So it would seem to me that legally every Twitter user is already operating under “contract law” because you aren’t simply agreeing to the TOS but acknowledging and executing a legal contract between yourself and the corporation known as “Twitter”. (Or something like that, not a contract lawyer.)
Here’s the relevant clause:
And the clause exists for those that both live in the United States and users outside the United States.
Twitters Terms of Service constitute and “adhesion agreement”. The Public Policy exception to contract enforcement is implicated if Twitter is using the Communications Decency Act and their Terms of Service as a pretext to censor speech.
They state these terms because they can. That is the nature of an “adhesion agreement”. That doesn’t mean all clauses of the contract are enforceable. The validity of the contract is the purview of the Courts.
They are going to ban President Trump
This is a test case
They are so brazen and corrupt
Hey Mitch, can you hear us now?
And he thought he was safe…
Sure President Trump already has thought out several ways to win over that – if Twitter is so un-American and criminal as all that.
President Trump is known for studying out more than just one way to win on issues.
The actual internet backbone was built with taxpayers’ money and is public property. The phone companies provide the common link to the backbone. The Feds have the power to boot anyone off that internet thanks to the Obama administration. This “private company” line has huge holes in it. It is likely Twatter has just gone too far.
Twitter is flexing their muscles and sending a clear message to conservatives …. probably laughing like hell in their offices, too.
“Twitter can do whatever it wants since its a private company. But we the people can call it out, even on the platform, when it shows blatant hypocrisy in treatment of those not on the left.”
I’m sure Twitter, Facebook, and Google are working on a solution to this problem. How will you call out this behavior after you’re deplatformed and delisted? Wear a sandwich board at the mall?
The mall is now private property. You’re not allowed to wear a sandwich board there. As Chiquita Khrushchev would say if she’d ever heard of chess, “check and mate!”
McConnell is the senate majority leader. They did this to the senate majority leader. Imagine what they do everyday to common Americans.
We’ve reached the Animal Farm level: Some pigs are more equal than other pigs. Sorry leader McConnell, you’re not as equal as other pigs.
The republicans better wake up and quit pretending this is a “private business” and therefore untouchable.
RE: “McConnell is the senate majority leader. They did this to the senate majority leader. Imagine what they do everyday to common Americans.”
Yes, remember what Obama did to Joe the Plumber.
If anything happens or there are any more terror attacks on McConnell or his family — or even if others are emboldened to make terroristic threats by seeing that Twitter took action to make McConnell more vulnerable to such intimidation — Twitter is aiding and abetting terrorism.
Twitter now needs to be regulated as a public utility, so this doesn’t happen again.
The Left just doesn’t know when to stop beating on the hornet’s nest, and is still wondering why they keep getting stung.
I hope they stay this stupid forever.
Twitter is a wasteland.
Can’t imagine it would ever happen, but, I’d love to hear the left’s squeals if the cyber warfare guys at the DoD were to hit Twitter, Facebook, Google, with a DOS attack.
I think this is a sideshow. Sure, the leftwing media reports a lot of stuff about tweets but the actual evidence that they affect outcomes is slim, at best.
Fight them just because they are leftwing scum, but don’t think this is the main battlefield. Trump will be re-elected no matter what Twitter does.
It depends on who counts the votes.
I can’t stand McConnell, he’s a spineless RINO. And I stay far away from twitter, it’s a cespool. But, this is certainly a bridge too far. Deciding who gets to be heard and who doesn’t is as unamerican as it gets.
Twitter Makes Aldoph Proud……
I’m confused, didn’t a judge rule that twitter is covered by the 1st Amend.? This is going to be fun.
Manhattan Federal Court Judge Naomi Buchwald ruled that Trump’s Twitter account, @realDonaldTrump, is a “designated public forum” and protected by the First Amendment.
But the judge stopped short of ordering Trump to unblock his critics, saying she did not want to “enter that legal thicket.”
The solution is to make section 230 protections entirely dependent upon zero censorship. Censor and you lose them. Simple.
Optional consumer filters can be used as long as the consumer has complete control over them.
But lets face it, McConnell and the GOPe do not want a free internet, they want twatter and facepoo to regulate and censor our voices.
You said it Barry.
The GOP-E are part of the problem.
Beware overlapping and converging interests. That said, perhaps this [latest] incident will put the fear of presumptive mortal gods in them. They do exist.
Why Google Poses a SeriousThreat to Democracy, and How to End That Threat:
Senate testimony against Facebook:
How The Media Inspires Mass Shooters.
As reported on
A paper presented to the American Psychological Association found the number of mass killings, rampage killings or “mass shootings”, may be doubled by irresponsible media aggrandizement of mass killers. The desire for fame was found to be one of the main motivators of these rampage killers.
Even the far left publication ‘Mother Jones’ has detailed How The Media Inspires Mass Shooters. It’s to their cynical advantage to do this for several reasons. First, they get to grandstand with images of the scene of the shooting, droning endlessly on about the perpetrator and their possible motive, providing hours of live commentary and analysis. Second, all of this is but a virtue signalling telethon for their ratings, where they get to show how much they care whilst condemning 120 million innocent people for not wanting to give up their civil rights. Third, they can incessantly push the national socialist Left’s final solution to the Liberty problem with discussions of how fast and how soon the guns of innocent people should be confiscated for the ‘heinous’ crime of wanting to be able to protect themselves.
The Republican establishment will no longer be able to deny catastrophic anthropogenic [political] climate change.
Jamie Carter
?Fuck your thoughts & prayers
#EnoughIsEnough I am so pissed that I have no words, so I am going to reup an old post.
You #MAGA better pray that liberal’s never gain control of the WH again because we are going to pay you back so fucking hard for all of this shit. Planned Parenthoods on every damn corner.
Jamie Carter
?Fuck your thoughts & prayers
We’re going to repaint Air Force One pussy hat pink and fly it over your beloved Bible Belt 6 days a week, tossing birth control, condoms and atheist literature from the cockpit. We’re going to tax your mega churches so bad Joel Olsteen will need to get a job at Chick Fil A.
Jamie Carter
?Fuck your thoughts & prayers
Aug 5
Speaking of @ChickfilA , we’re buying all those and giving them to any LGBT person your sick cult leaders tortured with conversion therapy. Have fun with the new menu, you bigoted fucks. Try the McPence, a boiled chicken breast you have to eat tin the closet with your mother.
Jamie Carter
?Fuck your thoughts & prayers
Aug 5
We are going to round up all your guns , melt them down and turn then into into a gargantuan mountain, emblazoned with the faces of @BarackObama and @HillaryClinton . ALL parks will be renamed Rosa Parks ASAP. We’re replacing confederate statues with BLM leaders and Immigrants.
Jamie Carter
?Fuck your thoughts & prayers
Aug 5
Every single public school will be renamed after a child that was kidnapped by this regime. And after we fumigate the White House, we will repainting the whole thing Rainbow.
Jamie Carter
?Fuck your thoughts & prayers
Aug 5
Fox News will be taken over & turned into a family refugee shelter. We’re turning Hannity’s office into a giant uni-sex bathroom with changing tables & free tampons. Everytime one of Trumpers complain, we will add an openly gay, brown person to a Disney Movie.
Don’t have any idea who that is, but she is one miserable bitch.
At what point does this private company and/or its beneficiaries (e.g, Amy McGrath) run afoul of the FEC?
“Twitter locked out @Team_Mitch, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s campaign account,”
The FEC has no control over them. So long as they don’t coordinate with any candidate’s campaign, they have a constitutional right to convey whatever message they like, without government interference.