Protect your rights against those claiming a crisis

Every time I think the media-Democrat frenzy could not get any more frenzied, it gets more frenzied.

How seamlessly they have transitioned from almost three years of Russia-collusion-mania to the current frenzy claiming that anyone and everyone who supports Donald Trump is a white supremacist.

Trump supporters now, according the narrative, are both Putin-puppet traitors AND Hitler-wannabees. It’s all so dishonest by design; the leaders of this charge don’t actually believe it, they cynically manipulate their media and social media power to drive their supporters, many of whom do believe it, into hating political opponents as an ideology. MSNBC is ground zero for this manipulative denigration of half the population.

If it only were dishonest, it would be bad enough. But it’s worse because it now has become a hunt to find heretics for public shaming. This is not new, but now it is legitimized as an anti-Trump strategy by the Resistance. Congressman Joaquin Castro naming names in his community, including retirees and homemakers, is a symptom of a culture of total political war on the left. Other symptoms include the attempt to deplatform non-liberal voices from the internet and airwaves, led by well-funded groups like Media Matters.

Take the smear campaign directed at me when I spoke in defense of free speech at Vassar, and compare it to what is taking place in our current political culture directed at Trump supporters, and you will see how the campus culture of intolerance now has escaped campus into the political culture. It’s only going to get worse because the anti-social social justice warriors now work in the high tech companies that control almost all the essential means of communication.

Against this backdrop of total political war from the left, it’s amazing that so much of the country refuses to succumb. It’s why I noted not long ago after the Mueller testimony fiasco that I still had hope:

Yes, I still have hope, but it’s hard. When the weight of the media, entertainment and educational industries is so hostile to non-liberals, and when it combines with the power of the state, it’s tough. It seems overwhelming at times. It’s emotionally and physically draining. And it’s been going on for several decades. Yet I still have hope despite that overwhelming disadvantage.It’s almost unimaginable that after this decades-long onslaught, Republicans nonetheless control the Senate and the presidency, and most state legislatures.  How can that possibly be, it’s seemingly impossible. The American people are resilient, and that gives me hope.But vigilance must be eternal, going to sleep politically even for a year or two is not an option. You cannot give an inch, or they’ll take a mile. And people need to be held accountable.

How is it even possible in this environment that MORE people like Trump than when he was elected in 2016? That’s the conclusion of NY Times analyst Nate Cohn: “Millions of Americans who did not like the president in 2016 now say they do”:

Donald J. Trump doesn’t always seem like a candidate focused on expanding his base of support. He may have done so anyway.

The share of Americans who say they have a favorable view of him has increased significantly since the 2016 election.

And over the last few months, some of the highest-quality public opinion polls, though not all, showed the president’s job approval rating — a different measure from personal favorability — had inched up to essentially match the highest level of his term….Millions of Americans who did not like the president in 2016 now say they do. Over all, his personal favorability rating has increased by about 10 percentage points among registered voters since Election Day 2016, to 44 percent from 34 percent, according to Upshot estimates.

It seems that the Russia-collusion and White-Supremacist narratives pushed by the media and Democrats are not penetrating. Perhaps they have cried wolf too many times.

Rahm Emanuel famously said: “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”

The shootings in El Paso and Dayton have created a crisis atmosphere, and calls for suppression of 1st and 2nd Amendment rights. While we should consider serious ways  to prevent future mass shootings, we should not give up our rights in this time of crisis.

This is precisely the time to protect our rights against those peddling a crisis for ulterior motives as part of a total political war.

[Featured image: Inauguration Day Rioters, via YouTube]

Tags: 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, shooting, Trump Derangement Syndrome