Poll: Trump More Popular than Nancy Pelosi and the “Squad”

Congress has long had an abysmal approval rating, and that has long included House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).  We’ve written here at LI about the poor approval rating carried by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).  In March, Kemberlee blogged that even in New York, President Trump’s approval rating is higher than Ocasio-Cortez’s.

It’s little wonder that President Trump wants the AOC plus three “Squad” to be the face of the Democrat party.

recent poll released by Emerson reveals that Trump is viewed far more favorably than are Pelosi or the “Squad.”

Pelosi’s favorability is just 28%, and the AOC plus three Squad is viewed equally poorly.  By contrast, Trump’s job approval is at 45%.

The Democratic House leadership is struggling with favorability among voters; Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a 28% favorable opinion and a 46% unfavorable opinion. The House “squad,” consisting of Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Illan Omar and Ayanna Pressley share this image problem. Ocasio-Cortez is at 30% favorable and 47% unfavorable, Tlaib is at 26% favorable and 42% unfavorable, Omar is at 25% favorable and 46% unfavorable, and Pressley is at 24% favorable and 35% unfavorable.. . . . President Trump’s job approval improved slightly from early this month and is now at 45% approval and 46% disapproval. His support within the Republican party continues to be strong as Trump dominates a potential primary against former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld 91% to 8%. The Republican primary poll was n=467 with a +/-4.5%.

It’s interesting to note, too, how low their numbers are among Democrats. By contrast, Trump’s favorability among Republicans has been and continues to be remarkably strong.

Town Hall has more on the Emerson poll:

A new national survey from Emerson measured the favorability ratings of all five women engaged in that (currently paused) brawl, and found public perceptions of each of them deep underwater. Here are the fresh numbers for the Speaker of the House, followed by the four lightning rod Congressional freshmen.. . . . Pelosi pulls a net (-18), AOC is at (-17), and Omar is at (-21). The more junior Squadsters are less known, but remain upside-down by double digits. Interestingly, Ocasio-Cortez registers the highest favorable rating at just 30 percent, with all of the other named Democrats mired in the 20’s. Among only Democratic voters, Pelosi’s favorability is just about on par with the Squad’s, though AOC (+37) beats the Speaker (+33) head-to-head on this measure.. . . . As for President Trump, his job approval rating sits nearly perfectly even (45/46) in this Emerson poll.

Trump has correctly (and effectively) tried to make the Squad the face of the Democrat party, and it’s a good move.  Internal Democrat polling shows that they are absolutely toxic in purple states and swing districts.

The Hill reports:

According to internal Democratic polling, “The Squad” is beyond toxic for the Democrats in the 2020 swing states. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may be popular among the Democratic base, but her favorability among voters the Democrats need in the states that matter is hovering around 22 percent. Further, only 9 percent of swing voters polled have a favorable view of Rep. Ilhan Omar, while socialism clocked-in at a not-exactly awe-inspiring 18 percent.Public polling from CBS News further confirms that many Americans view the squad unfavorably and that Trump has room to make them even more disliked among the electorate due to their currently limited name ID.

Additionally, whomever the eventual Democrat nominee will be, he or she will seek the endorsement of the Squad, as we’ve already seen with Sens. Warren (D-MA) and Sanders (I-VT) vying for AOC’s nod.  This will only help Trump tie his Democrat opponent to the four hugely unpopular radical extremists.

The Hill continues:

Further, try as he or she might to resist, the eventual Democratic nominee will not only have to kiss the proverbial ring of “The Squad,” but the nominee will also likely have to bestow coveted speaking slots to the progressive quadruplets at the 2020 Democratic convention in Milwaukee to solidify their own base, thereby inextricably linking the two together for Trump.

You can almost hear Trump’s 2020 campaign team giggling.

Tags: 2020 Election, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Trump 2020