Huh? “One good way to take action against what India is doing in Kashmir would be to boycott Israel”
Response: “Russia supplied 58% of India’s arm imports, while Israel supplied 15%. If your 1st reaction to what Modi is doing in Kashmir is: ‘boycott the source of 15% of India’s arm imports,’ the 1st question to ask: why are you so obsessed w/ that one minor player?”

The anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement insists it is merely “pro-Palestinian” and not anti-Semitic. There is a mountain of evidence otherwise, but sometimes there is a clarifying moment as to how calls to boycott Israel have become mainstreamed.
Such a moment came on Twitter regarding India’s recent moves in Kashmir, which we covered in India Revokes Special Status for Muslim-Majority Kashmir, May Open Up Region to Hindu Immigration.
Legal scholar Eugene Kontorovich, in response to a claim that “India’s annexation of Kashmir is straight out of the Israeli playbook,” predicted that India would not get the Israel BDS treatment:
“If this is true, it is particularly notable that the reaction of @hrw @amnesty @un and progressives around the world will not be from their Israel playbook – boycotts of Indian universities, musicians who play in India etc”
And certainly that was a logical prediction. But BDS is not logical, it’s an irrational hatred of Israel because Israel is Jewish. We saw that recently when Ariel Gold, the National Co-Chair of Code Pink, tried to use the El Paso shooting against Israel:
This is yet another example of the “intersectionality” disease I have written about here many times: Israel becomes the unifying evil in the world which ties together all other evils, much like the “international Jew” was the unifying evil of classic anti-Semitism.
Enter David Klion, a far-left writer at places such as The Nation, The Guardian, and currently, Jewish Currents (where he is listed as News Editor). In 2018 Klion earned the headline The Nation Contributor Thrown in Twitter Jail After Doxxing Stephen Miller: ‘This is War’:
David Klion, a left wing journalist and contributor for The Nation found himself in Twitter jail for 12 hours after tweeting out Stephen Miller’s cell phone number. The writer said he obtained the number from Splinter, which doxxed the senior White House aide in this article.
Miller’s cell number was disconnected as of 4 p.m ET Wednesday when TheWrap tried to call.
In an interview with TheWrap, Klion — who has also written for the New York Times and The Guardian — said he had no regrets about his decision to employ the move, which many online view as a nuclear option.
“This is war,” said Klion. “I think that what is happening right now at the border is child abuse. It is systematic child abuse. It is racist child abuse. It is being carried out for cynical political purposes.”
Klion also said that Miller’s status as a high public official made him fair game in a way which was different from the many right-wing doxxing campaigns against journalists.
While I had heard of the Miller doxxing, Klion’s name was not familiar to me until his tweet about Kashmir showed up on my timeline. He tweeted that people who wanted to take action against what India is doing in Kashmir should boycott … wait for it … Israel:
“One good way to take action against what India is doing in Kashmir would be to boycott Israel, which is arming India and supports what India is doing in Kashmir….”
Researcher Nurit Baytch pointed out in response that Israel is a small player in supplying weapons to Israel, so why focus on Israel:
Russia supplied 58% of India’s arm imports, while Israel supplied 15%. If your 1st reaction to what Modi is doing in Kashmir is: “boycott the source of 15% of India’s arm imports,” the 1st question to ask: why are you so obsessed w/ that one minor player?
Klion says he’s not much of an Israel boycott supporter, which makes the call to boycott Israel over Kashmir worse, not better. It reflects how casually calling to boycott Israel over things having almost nothing to do with Israel has become an easy left-wing lay-up.
Prof. Kontorovich has been forced to recant his prediction:
“I stand corrected – progressive response to India’s “annexation” of Kashmir is exactly the same as their response to Israel: in both cases, calling for boycott of ISRAEL. totally consistent, and I shouldn’t have suspected otherwise.”

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Some people have terminal TDS, and some apparently have terminal IDS (Israel Derangement Syndrome).
the Venn diagram showing those two classes is pretty much a single circle.
Actually I think that they have XDS (____ Derangement Syndrome).
They have so many choices they can’t count them all.
Does the left even think before they say this anymore?
that begs the question as to whether they ever thought to begin with.
Dems think??????
Joo-h8 and OrangeManBad-ade!
it’s what’s for breakfast, lunch, dinner AND snacks at the Woke Cafe!
“BDS is not logical, it’s an irrational hatred of Israel because Israel is Jewish. We saw that recently when Ariel Gold, the National Co-Chair of Code Pink, tried to use the El Paso shooting against Israel:
“‘This is yet another example of the “intersectionality” disease I have written about here many times: Israel becomes the unifying evil in the world which ties together all other evils, much like the “international Jew” was the unifying evil of classic anti-Semitism.'”
I do not support Code Pink or the BDS movement, but the above is a mischaracterization of Gold’s tweet. She pointed out that the El Paso shooter was, in part, motivated by a desire for an ethnically based immigration policy like what Israel has (a perfectly legitimate policy under natural law). Seems to me the appropriate pro-Israel position on the matter (not to excuse the murders) is America, too, has the right to control its immigration in a manner like Israel does to maintain its ethnic demographics.
The problem is that illegals and Obama’s Muslims, especially those from Africa are both here in large numbers and rapidly multiplying. Both have lower IQs, especially those from Africa, and that will greatly lower America’s average IQ and long term competitiveness.
We need to aggressively address both groups.
Pakistan used to be part of India, but the Brits decided to partition India into Hindu (India) and Muslim (Pakistan) areas. The two promptly went to war over Kashmir. Kashmir has also been partitioned.
There is no such thing as Islamists accepting a treaty with non-Muslims. Pakistan and India have been in conflict, ever since.
With the rest of Islamism in Pakistan has come a rise of terrorist attacks in the portion of Kashmir under control by India. Accordingly, India has stripped its portion of Kashmir of its autonomy, allegedly because that autonomy was abused by Islamists to facilitate terrorism.
Apparently India has decided that it would rather fight terrorists in Muslim-majority territory, rather than cede that territory and have the terrorists closer to home.
I predict one of these geniuses will one day–in the not too distant future–argue that boycotting Israel helps fight climate change.
They will, but not because of antisemitism, but rather their fear and loathing of the Judeo line of faith, religion, and ideologies. In particular, God advises a separation of logical domains, which precludes post-normal “science” including prophecies of past, present, and future. Also, the prime directive: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters of the seas, and let the fowl multiply upon the earth”, which coincides with evolutionary fitness. Then there is: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and they shall rule over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the heaven and over the animals and over all the earth and over all the creeping things that creep upon the earth.”
And, of course: “And God created man in His image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
“Man” refers to people… persons, and the male and female binary sex. He doesn’t dwell on gender and gender attributes (i.e. mental, physical), other than noting a few exceptional transversal ones.
There has been a progressive conflation of logical domains, of sex and gender, of life and abortion, etc., which is strictly at odds with the Judeo line of moral philosophies, and with science before it went post-normal.
They’re litterally suffering from monomania.
Hitler was monomanical. It was part of his madness, but also part of his power.
Don’t count on these people getting their mental act together any time soon. The only medicine is our push-back. HARD push-back.
It takes some cojones to complain about “annexation” of Kashmir, a region that wouldn’t be “under dispute” but for the actions of Muslim invaders, while ignoring the fact that the entirety of Pakistan was stolen by Muslim invaders.