Wendy Davis Will Run for U.S. House Against Rep. Chip Roy
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Wendy Davis Will Run for U.S. House Against Rep. Chip Roy

Wendy Davis Will Run for U.S. House Against Rep. Chip Roy

The former Texas state senator wants to remain relevant.


Former Texas state senator Wendy Davis has continued her campaign to remain relevant. She announced on Monday her candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives and challenge Republican Rep. Chip Roy.

Davis shot into the national limelight a few years ago when she filibustered for 13 hours against a pro-life measure in the Texas senate. She tried to capitalize on this fame in a run for Texas governor but ultimately failed.

Davis released a video to promote her bid for Congress. It has the usual rhetoric in a candidate’s announcement video. Davis had a troubled childhood filled with poverty, raised by a single mother, and became a young single mother to her first daughter. Despite this, she worked her way to attend Texas Christian University and Harvard Law School.

However, as The Houston Chronicle pointed out, Davis used the same information that caused problems during her gubernatorial campaign. In 2014, during the race, “many news outlets reported on certain inaccuracies — such as her age when she first divorced and how she paid for law school — in the details of her retellings that was prime bait for her opponents on the right.”

Those problems could explain why while Davis mentioned her childhood, she made “her ability to bring people together” the focal point of the video:

“All of those things brought me here,” Davis said in the video, which was interspliced with clips from her filibuster speech and other appearances in public and on television since. “But is life really about our circumstances and what we make of them or is it about the people we touch along the way and the courage we gain from each other?”

While Davis failed in the governor race, she may succeed in her attempt to oust Roy if she wins the primary. The Texas 21st District encompasses “the south and southwest aides” of Austin and into “San Antonio’s northern neighborhoods” among other parts.

Former Republican Rep. Lamar Smith easily won the district during his time, but the tides recently began to shift. Failed Democrat presidential candidate “Hillary Clinton outperformed Barack Obama’s previous margins” in 2016. Roy only won the district by three points in 2018 against Democrat Joseph Kosper.

Analyst groups still list the district as “Likely Republicans.”

Before Davis can get to Roy, she must win the Democratic primary:

Davis isn’t alone in seeking to challenge Roy. Llano County Democratic Chairwoman Jennie Lou Leeder and educator Bruce Boville are among Democratic candidates who have filed Federal Election Commission finance reports. But there is little doubt that Davis will have the backing of important state and national Democrats. On Tuesday, nearly every member of House Democratic leadership and nine members of the Texas delegation will host a reception in Washington, D.C. for the newly announced candidate.


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I have it on bad authority that her campaign symbol will be a ball peen hammer to encourage full term abortion.

    countrylaw in reply to dystopia. | July 22, 2019 at 2:11 pm

    All that Wendy needs to add is the sickle.

    pfg in reply to dystopia. | July 22, 2019 at 3:13 pm

    Davis said in her statement, “I’m running for our children and grandchildren, so they can live and love and fight for change themselves.”

    She continued, “But for the children we abort who will never have a future, I don’t give a hoot about them. Keep in mind that I’m a full-bore proponent of abortion, at any time, for any reason, for no reason.”

      Ulysses in reply to pfg. | July 22, 2019 at 3:18 pm

      Wendy had a child at 19. Where was her abortion fire then. Is it only other people’s babies?

Is she riding a skateboard?

She’s touting ‘motherhood’ as part of her campaign?


She’s a full-blown abortion zealot and didn’t she voluntarily gave up custody of her own daughter? I mean, that’s better than murdering her daughter but still.

    rdmdawg in reply to Paul. | July 22, 2019 at 1:59 pm

    I will never hold that against a woman, voluntarily giving up custody of her children.

    In any case, I’m glad Abortion Barbie is back, just what we needed to make the 2020 elections complete.

      Paul in reply to rdmdawg. | July 22, 2019 at 2:51 pm

      When you say “complete” are you referring to Abortion Barbie’s supporters flinging their poo, urine and used sanitary napkins around?

2smartforlibs | July 22, 2019 at 1:18 pm

How many time do these losers have to lose before they figure out they don’t represent the mainstream?

    UnCivilServant in reply to 2smartforlibs. | July 22, 2019 at 1:20 pm

    Mainstream doesn’t matter, because the candidates know better. All they need to do is sweet talk the rubes, then implement policies the voters hate, for their own good!

    Just until the dems can steal or fake enough votes to win and then enact a law making them in charge forever. Little Idi Amin dada’s forever.

So she’s a slut and her mother’s a slut.

    Close The Fed in reply to MTED. | July 22, 2019 at 2:09 pm

    Dear MTed:

    I understand why you write that, but I want to say, many times these things are picked up from your parents during childhood. I have become a great advocate of therapy ever since I met a wannabe transsexual and found out he was grossly sexually abused as a child. And therapy helped him greatly. Got rid of his D.I.D.


      The progs are trying to outlaw psychological therapy that helps people realize they’re not ‘trans’. But physical surgery to permanently mutilate their bodies and/or hormone therapy that causes irreversible developmental changes is okey dokey. Prog logic.

        Close The Fed in reply to Paul. | July 22, 2019 at 6:33 pm

        Too true, Paul. Fortunately, my friend had no trouble finding a therapist that didn’t advocate mutilation for his issues. Great find.

“Will sell baby parts for votes.”

texansamurai | July 22, 2019 at 4:14 pm

a contemporary of that clown in so carolina–way, way past her sell by date–irrelevant but still obnoxious–a 24carat attention whore

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | July 22, 2019 at 4:31 pm

RE: “The former Texas state senator wants to remain relevant.’

Relevant to what? Cow chips?

THat rodeo clown whose job it is to distract the dangerous animal will cause her to romp and snort to no effect.

Abortion Barbie will be swept away in the 2020 Trump landslide / tsunami that will bring the House back to Republican control with a huge majority. Enjoy the humiliating loss Barbie, again!

If she wins, it’ll be the Republicans’ own fault. They’re the ones who put S. Austin into a formerly untouchable district.