Second ‘Son Of Hamas’ Quits Islamist Group, Exposes Turkey-Based Terror Operation
Suheib Yousef: Hamas is a “racist terror organisation that is dangerous for the Palestinian people.”

The son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef has caused an uproar in Gaza after he turned his back on the Islamic terrorist organization and fled to an unnamed country in Far-East Asia. Suheib Yousef exposed the inner workings of the Gaza-based Islamist outfit and its terrorist activities abroad in an interview with an Israeli news channel.
Hamas was using Turkey as a base for its terrorist activities, Suheib disclosed. He also revealed the sophisticated espionage operation conducted by Hamas on behalf of Iran. The terrorist group was using advanced surveillance techniques to gather information on Israel and selling the intelligence to Tehran, he told Israel’s Channel 12 TV network.
Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, is a “racist terror organisation that is dangerous for the Palestinian people,” he added.
Suheib is the second son of Hamas co-founders Sheikh Hassan Yousef to publicly break with the terrorist outfit. His elder brother, Mosab Yousef, converted to Christianity after meeting a British missionary in 1999. He later worked undercover for the Israeli security service Shin Bet before leaving Gaza in 2007.
Israeli news network i24News reported:
In an interview with Israel’s Channel 12 Palestinian affairs correspondent Ohad Chemo broadcast Wednesday, the second “Son of Hamas” detailed his work for a Hamas intelligence-gathering operation in Turkey.
“Hamas operates security and military operations on Turkish soil under the cover of civil society,” Yousef revealed. “They have security centers from which they operate advanced listening equipment, to listen to people and (Palestinian) leaders in Ramallah.”
Yousef charged that Hamas operates according to a “foreign agenda”, selling information to Iran in exchange for financial backing which is funneled to the group through Turkish banks.
Among the reasons Yousef gave for leaving the group included widespread corruption among its top officials posted in Turkey while its subjects in the Gaza Strip live in poverty.
“Hamas leaders (in Turkey) live in fancy hotels and luxury towers, their kids learn at private schools and are very well paid by Hamas, they get between four and five thousand dollars a month, they have guards, swimming pools, country clubs,” he said.
Suheib denied working with Shin Bet or any other Israeli security agency. “Unlike my brother, I never worked for Israel,” he said. His elder bother, Mosab, prevented a number of suicide attacks and saved hundreds of lives, Israeli media reports said. His brother published an account of his extraordinary life in a 2010 autobiography Son of Hamas.
The high-profile defection comes as Shin Bet turned up the heat on Hamas, dismantling several terrorist cells in Palestinian-controlled territories in recent days. The security service also arrested a Hamas bomb-maker who had entered the country under the pretense of seeking medical treatment.
In 2007, Hamas took hold of Gaza after Palestinian elections turned into a blood feud between itself and the PLO’s Fatah faction. Both Hamas and Fatah have been carrying out terrorist operations against Israel. Billions of dollar in foreign aid flow to Hamas and Fatah-controlled Palestinian territories, financing jihad indoctrination and terrorist recruitment. The Palestinian Authority’s “pay for slay” program provides generous salaries and pensions to terrorists and their dependents.
[Cover image via YouTube]

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This guy could be Justin Amash’s brother. Don’t know if I could tell them apart
Good for him. It’s like America revisited. The problem is not the people.
“It’s like America revisited”? “The problem is not the people”?
I thought he and his father look a bit like Yasser Arafat. The lower lip anyway. Isn’t that Habsburg lip?
Surely everyone who matters has figured out where he is by now, with all those pictues. They must know the exact Buddhist temple where he was praying. I’d guess somewhere in Thailand or maybe a neighboring country. Doesn’t seem quite like Burma.
I read the headline as Turkey Basted Terrorist Operation. I will now take a nap.
Anyone surprised at this info (other than this guy left)?
No, didn’t think so.
Good stuff. Problem is, the Arab “Palestinians” are driven by twin, self-destructive conceits that they refuse to dispense with — jihad, and, a mythology of contrived victimhood.
And, vile Rashida Tlaib — supposedly, someone who passes for a well-educated, western-bred, secular-minded, “enlightened” “Palestinian” — demonstrates how thoroughly ingrained are the attitudes of jihadist supremacism/totalitarianism, and, self-perceived, contrived victimhood, in the contemporary Arab mind.
He sounds exactly like the guy who left Antifa, and gave us warning:
Gabriel Nadales: I’m a former Antifa member and Antifa must be stopped:
It’s only a matter of time till they start bombing our cities.
when antifa begins seriously advocating lethal force and then employing the same with impunity, the contest will begin in earnest–like the shot at concord, they may unleash a response that will overwhelm them and crush them, with no regard in the least for their ” rights. “–if they indeed embark on that course then they’ve forfeited their rights to live in this country and, indeed, this world