MSNBC Guest Says Trump Presidency Could Lead to Civil War

A senior adviser for named Karine Jean-Pierre warned that President Donald  Trump’s presidency could lead to a civil war during an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Monday.

Is this an example of the incitement of violence the left loves to lecture about to the public?

This is something to which many people have become numb. A member of the left accuses Trump of being divisive, then says something divisive.

David Montanaro reports at FOX News:

‘Morning Joe’ guest on Baltimore: Trump’s rhetoric could lead to ‘horrible civil war’An MSNBC political analyst said on “Morning Joe” Monday that President Trump’s rhetoric “could lead to some sort of a horrible civil war.”Karine Jean-Pierre, the chief public affairs officer for, was reacting with Joe Scarborough to Trump’s attack on Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., in which the president called Baltimore “far worse and more dangerous” than the southern border.“Cumming[s’] District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place,” Trump tweeted, before calling for an investigation into why Baltimore received so much federal funding.Jean-Pierre said Trump is putting out “toxic” racism in his tweets and it must be called out. She argued Cummings “is everything Trump is not” and Trump is “threatened by Cummings.”

Mike Brest of the Washington Examiner has Jean-Pierre’s comments:

Jean-Pierre said that since Trump was inaugurated, he’s shown he “is not a president for black people. He’s not a president for women. He’s not a president for brown people. He’s not a president for the LGBTQ community. He chooses to just double down and triple down on bigotry and racism.”“I don’t know where Donald Trump wants to take this,” Jean-Pierre continued. “But wherever it is it’s going to be dangerous. It could lead to some sort of a horrible civil war, you know, he is testing us. He’s testing the democracy. He’s shredding the Constitution. And so, Republicans — the leadership in the Republican Party — need to stand up. You have to speak up. Because if you don’t, you are encouraging this.”

Here’s the video:

This was really about protecting Cummings from criticism. Note that Jean-Pierre didn’t really address Trump’s completely accurate criticisms of Baltimore.

Jean-Pierre is apparently concerned about negativity and hate:

Her hatred of Trump doesn’t count.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2020 Election, Donald Trump, MSNBC