While broad culture is marginalizing men and fathers, Huggies’ newest line of diapers places dads front and center.
Their new line of Special Delivery Diapers will be sold in a variety of seven different boxes, three of which features daddies and their babies.
More from USA Today:
Fatherhood advocate Derrick David Bryant, who is a National Fatherhood Initiative board member, says it’s a great step in reaching out to fathers and becoming more father-friendly.“For so long, culture has said fathers bring home the bacon and play with the kids and that it’s a mother’s responsibility to do the diapering and child-rearing,” said Bryant, who is a father engagement coordinator of a Texas nonprofit. “Just the mere image says fathers are welcome to change diapers and are expected.”Bryant said for the many fathers already changing diapers it’s an affirmation they don’t often see.“Dads are shopping too,” Bryant said.
It’s a small step, but one I’m happy to see.
The dads who are engaged and pitch in with the day to day child rearing are always overshadowed by the “dumb dad” trope. Fathers play and equally vital role in the life of their children and the more that’s recognized, the better we’ll all be.