Cory Booker Will Not Stop Meeting With Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) has made it known that he will not stop meeting or communicating with well-known anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.

Booker made the surprising declaration after an audience member at a faith breakfast asked if he would avoid Farrakhan due to his anti-Semitism.

From The Washington Examiner:

“I live in Newark, so we have famous Mosque 25, we have Nation of Islam there,” the New Jersey Democrat said Saturday at a “Conversation with Cory” campaign event in Nevada. “As mayor I met with lots of folks talking to him. I have heard Minister Farrakhan’s speeches for a lot of my life, so I don’t feel like I need to do that, but I’m not one of these people that says I wouldn’t sit down with anybody to hear what they have to say. But, I live in a neighborhood where I’m getting guys on the streets offering and selling his works. I am very familiar with Minister Louis Farrakhan and his beliefs and his values.”

Senator, if you are that familiar with Farrakhan then you know the man hates Jews and has no problem spouting out hatred towards them.

If Booker needs a reminder he can read through pieces on our site with the Louis Farrakhan tag. He has called Jews “satanic” and “termites.” He praised Hitler and accused Jews of controlling the government in an effort to keep down the black man.

Emily Zanotti at The Daily Wire pointed out Booker’s hypocrisy when it comes to Farrakhan. He recently blasted frontrunner former Vice President Joe Biden for “meeting with ‘Dixiecrats’ who supported segregation and other racist policies back when he first began his tenure in Congress.”

Booker said on Sunday that these relationships Biden had “with proud segregationists are not the model for how we make America a safer and more inclusive place for black people, and for everyone.”

How about your CURRENT relationship with Farrakhan, Senator? Farrakhan not only hates Jews, but he also hates white people. Is the model to make America safer by keeping a relationship with a man that does nothing but spew hate?

Why can’t Democrats condemn and distance themselves from Farrakhan? He has already proven himself as a poison since his close relationships with the women who hijacked the Women’s March, which led to the destruction of the movement.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Antisemitism, Cory Booker, Louis Farrakhan