Mueller Statement: I’m Resigning, Don’t Intend to Testify in Congress

Special Counsel Robert Mueller made a public statement about his Russian probe. His last public statement came out in March 2017 when then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed him to lead the Russian investigation.

He released his report on April 18. It showed that Russia tried to interfere with our 2016 election, but found no collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia.

Summary of Mueller’s statement? READ THE REPORT.

Mueller has remained mostly silent since he released his report. His office spoke out on Tuesday to deny information in Michael Wolff’s new book that claims Mueller drafted indictments against Trump.

Mueller said he is resigning from the DOJ to return to a private life. He chose to speak out since he completed his investigation and will now close the office.

Mueller basically explained his report. He reinforced the Constitutional stance that a president cannot have an indictment while in office. He also stressed that his office did not make a determination about whether Trump committed a crime and had insufficient evidence to charge a broader conspiracy.

In other words, the office could not even consider charging Trump with a crime. He said that if he hadn’t committed a crime they would have said so. They also would have said they exonerated him.

He also said that any testimony would not go beyond this report. The report is his testimony.

He praised those in the special counsel office and also did not question Attorney General Willian Barr’s good faith in the way he released the report.

Mueller did not take any questions. He stated that this will be his only statement about the report, which basically squashes the Democrats hope for him to testify in front of Congress.

He ended his conference with this message:

I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments, that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election. And that allegation deserves the attention of every American.

I’m seeing mixed reactions on social media, which also happened when he released the report. The left interpreted his message as code to Congress to impeach Trump while the right celebrates that he reiterated his report that he found no collusion and could not reach a determination on obstruction of justice.

Tags: DOJ, Robert Mueller, Trump Russia