Female Student Arrested at UNC Chapel Hill for Allegedly Punching Pro-Life Advocate

At a pro-life group’s exhibit on UNC Chapel Hill’s campus in April, a female student approached and allegedly physically assaulted one of the representatives.

Jeffrey Cimmino reported at the Washington Free Beacon:

Liberal Student Arrested After Allegedly Punching Pro-Life Advocate at UNCA liberal college student was arrested after allegedly punching a pro-life advocate at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill last month.Jillian Ward, 19, a pro-choice feminist, assaulted Austin Beigel, who works for the pro-life group Created Equal, after approaching the group’s display on April 2, Fox News reports. Ward claimed to be triggered by photographs depicting aborted children put up by the group.Ward asked the group if they put up the photos, and then ran towards Beigel after he confirmed they did. Beigel was reportedly punched in the face and also received a blow to the stomach.”F***ing terrible person,” Ward yelled. “You’re a terrible person. You — this is not okay. This is not okay. This is not okay. Shut the f**k up right now. This is wrong. This is triggering. You’re not an innocent human being. You’re a terrible person.”

Caleb Parke of FOX News has more:

UNC campus police arrested Ward and she is expected to make a court appearance in June.Mark Harrington, president of Created Equal, told Fox News this is part of a bigger trend on college campuses.”Students being groomed on college campuses to be leaders, writers, and thinkers of the Left are increasing in censorship and violence against those with whom they disagree,” Harrington said.

Watch the video below. Strong language warning:

Just a few months ago, someone punched a conservative student on the campus of UC Berkeley.

Where do you think these students get the idea that it’s OK to walk up to someone and punch them in the face? How long before someone punches back? It’s just a matter of time.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Abortion, College Insurrection, Crime