FAA Investigating Religious Discrimination Allegations Against Airports That Excluded Chick-Fil-A
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FAA Investigating Religious Discrimination Allegations Against Airports That Excluded Chick-Fil-A

FAA Investigating Religious Discrimination Allegations Against Airports That Excluded Chick-Fil-A

“The FAA notes that federal requirements prohibit airport operators from excluding persons on the basis of religious creed from participating in airport activities that receive or benefit from FAA grant funding”


Back in 2012, the SJW contingent of the perpetually outraged set their sights on Chick-Fil-A, and Legal Insurrection was proud to take part in Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day by publishing numerous reader photos.

For the left, it’s not enough to simply not buy the product (and woe betide anyone who does), they want to destroy the entire chain, put thousands of people out of work, berate innocent drive-thru workers, and then declare triumph on the smoldering ashes of an American business.

Apparently, President Trump’s FAA has no intention of letting the unhinged, anti-Christian attacks on Chick-Fil-A go unchecked.

Fox News reports:

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is investigating two airports — San Antonio International and Buffalo Niagara International — over religious discrimination complaints, following the exclusion of Chick-fil-a from the premises, Fox News confirmed on Friday.

“The Department of Transportation has received complaints alleging discrimination by two airport operators against a private company due to the expression of the owner’s religious beliefs,” the agency said in a statement provided to Fox News.

According to the agency, federally funded airports cannot discriminate on the basis of religion. “The FAA notes that federal requirements prohibit airport operators from excluding persons on the basis of religious creed from participating in airport activities that receive or benefit from FAA grant funding,” it said.

Watch the report:


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Conservative Beaner | May 26, 2019 at 8:06 pm

Mayor Nirenburg(I call him Limburger because he stinks) and Councilman Robert Trevino let the cat out of the bag by commenting in an interview that we can allow their kind(Christians who donate to anti-LGBT causes) to have a franchise in the airport.
Later Mayor Limburger commented that we can’t allow a franchise to be in the airport that is open only six days a week. Chik-Fil-A will out perform them even though they have fewer hours.
Too late Limburger your hate is already on display.

Close The Fed | May 26, 2019 at 8:46 pm

Good move. The Trump administration has its eyes on the ball.

Close The Fed | May 26, 2019 at 8:47 pm

But I don’t see anyone as good as Trump to follow him. And even he hasn’t stopped the invasion.

As someone that has traveled extensively, i can say that there are many establishments in airports that are closed or on reduced hours on Sunday.

Take it away, OMD!

Chicken Train

caseoftheblues | May 27, 2019 at 7:32 am

I’d be surprised if the exact same regulations didn’t exist for colleges getting all that government money directly and indirectly thru student loans and grants….let the games begin

stutz bearcat | May 29, 2019 at 7:40 am

I’m not a friend of sjw’s however I have no love for chick fil a. They require owners to be married and participate in prayers during meetings. They would not also hire a divorcee. And the marriage requirements eliminate gays. If a Muslim controlled franchise were doing the same I would say keep them out of airports as well.