Adam Schiff Latest Democrat Who Doesn’t Accept 2016 Election Result to Suggest Trump Might Not Accept 2020 Outcome

Last week, Nancy Pelosi warned Democrats that they have to be prepared for the possibility that Trump may not accept the outcome of the 2020 election.

After all, she and her party have done such a great job accepting the results of the 2016 election.

Now Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is parroting this message.

Eric Cortellessa reports at the Times of Israel:

Leading Democrat Schiff warns of ‘turmoil’ if Trump refuses to accept 2020 lossCalifornia Congressman Adam Schiff warned Jewish Democrats on Thursday about the possibility that the country could be thrown into “great turmoil” if US President Donald Trump loses the 2020 election but refuses to concede.“He has always said that if he loses, it’s rigged. He said that before the last election, he’s likely to say that before the next election,” Schiff said in a conference call organized by the Jewish Democratic Council of America. “There’s already going to be the very real prospect that some people don’t accept the results.”…Schiff said repeatedly Thursday that the Trump administration was not taking strong enough actions to thwart foreign interference in the 2020 elections, which would render the country susceptible to the kind of meddling Russia carried out in 2016…“If you add to the equation that genuine questions are raised about technology or foreign interference, or the Russians do intervene again on Trump’s side … and the Trump administration doesn’t do enough to stop them, you’re going to have great turmoil in the country about the acceptance of the results, which is a hallmark of our democracy — that both sides accept the results of the election.”

Meanwhile Stacey Abrams, who has not accepted the outcome of the 2018 governor election in Georgia, is warning that Russia might take over our government by 2030.

David Rutz reports at the Washington Free Beacon:

Abrams Warns of Russian Takeover in 2030 If Voter Suppression Not AddressedAt a national security forum, Abrams reeled off a list of recent laws she said were being pushed to disenfranchise people, particularly those of color, across the United States, and encouraged the audience to educate itself on the issue.”There’s no more fundamental and national-security crisis than the theft of our elections, not simply through Russian hacking, which is incredibly important and we have to pay attention to it, but by the suppression of the very voters whose voices could change the direction of our country,” she said.Suppression of the vote is “pervasive” and “insidious,” she said, because it convinces people it’s a “user error.””If we do not secure our democracy and ensure that every vote counts in 2020, we will be having a very different conversation, possibly in Russian, in 2030,” she said, to cheers and applause.

Here’s the video:

For the better part of three years, Democrats have claimed that Trump is a danger to our country’s norms. What they are doing in sowing fear and conspiracy is far more damaging to the country than anything Trump has ever said.

Tags: 2020 Election, Adam Schiff, Democrats, Trump Derangement Syndrome