Sad: Elizabeth Warren polling in 3rd place … in Massachusetts
Just 3 points ahead of a surging Mayor Pete, and far behind Bernie and Biden, in her home state.

No matter how hard she tries, and she is trying really hard, Elizabeth Warren cannot seem to gain traction with voters.
I surveyed Warren’s dismal landscape recently, Elizabeth Warren’s increasingly dramatic proposals reflect a campaign struggling to stay relevant.
We still don’t have Warren’s 1st Quarter fundraising numbers — if she trails her main rivals, it would be another sign that her plan to harness grassroots support is failing.
Another warning sign — Warren places third in an Emerson College Polling poll in her home Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The Hill reports;
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Sunday placed third in a 2020 presidential poll of her home state of Massachusetts, trailing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Vice President Joe Biden.
In a poll of likely Democratic primary voters in the state, 14 percent picked Warren as their preferred Democratic nominee for president.
Sanders led the field with 26 percent of support, followed closely by Biden, who had the support of 23 percent of likely Massachusetts voters.
According to Spencer Kimball, director of Emerson Polling, “This is a concern for Warren who at this time does not have a firewall in her home state, and her rival Sanders has a strong base in the Bay State.”
The Emerson poll shows relative newcomer Pete Buttigieg at 11%, just behind Warren’s 14%.
Emerson’s analysis didn’t mince words as to how bad this is for Warren:
According to Spencer Kimball, Director of Emerson Polling, “this is a concern for Warren who at this time does not have a firewall in her home state, and her rival Sanders has a strong base in the Bay State.”
This continues a pattern in polling, as Harry Enten at CNN noted in early March, that Elizabeth Warren continues to underperform among voters who know her best.
You can’t change likability. Warren appears to have given up trying after the New Year’s Eve beer drinking livestream campaign launch fiasco. Beto goes to the dentist and Dems are like — Cool! Warren drinks beer and Dems are like — cringe.
Why has a relative unknown like Mayor Pete been able to pull off the “wonk” thing, while it fails with Warren?
Democrats will tolerate a lot from men, including Joe Biden, who is neck-and-neck with Bernie is just about every poll.
Warren will not stop trying. But we’re getting the feeling that the perception she’s trying too hard is hurting her, not helping her.

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Too bad. She was easily beatable by Trump.
Mayor Pete and Gropin’ Joe Biden are possibly tougher opponents.
I wonder if she will be as bad a sore loser as Hillary?
“Mayor Pete” has a last name that begins with “Butt.”
Should be fun.
Sad, yes. Sad she’s still in government.
Ok, I have to be the first one to say it today:
Fauxcahontas’ Trail of Tears.
Couldn’t happen to a scummier human being. Well…there is hillary clinton, either obama, valerie jarrett, tlaib, omar, cortez, harry reid, boehner, corker, flake, mccain, etc.
I’d like to see the Native Oklahoman go away ASAP until, say, Indian summer…
Well, I live in MA and I hate her guts and anything she values. The woman is abjectly irrelevant to public life, she defiles humanity by her very existence.
Well, there was her cookbook.
Whoops, forgot – she plagairized it:
Speaking of pieces of human waste:
Beto O’Rourke calls Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ‘racist’
Has the Kennedy poser accomplished anything during his bereft existence?
Mister O’Rourke could not hack it as a cabana boy in real life but he could be a groupie for Martin O’Malley’s blue grass bus.
The media wears their collective heart on their sleeve. O’Rourke is more akin to a skid-mark from a three day weekend on an MSM tour bus.
You actually think he could make it as a cabana boy? He’d starve.
But you hit the key word which brings me so much joy… she is irrelevant. She has spent her entire life trying to be relevant… its why she checked the box to make the jump to the Ivies… its why she published all those discredited studies on the causes of bankruptcy.
It almost worked but in the end her lies have caught up with her and she is in the fast lane to irrelevance and I love it.
The worst of it is that she is, essentially, a communist. As such she has become an abomination to Western Civilization.
… her numbers are “hidden” behind her fau-cha-haunt-us featherless headgear… go wompom betty…
It seems the really big money donors are waiting for the candidates to sort themselves out before putting real money on anyone.
Chief Dropping Bull Fauxcahontas must raise heap big wampum to help to indoctrinate new voters to support her.
Such an inspiring, professional candidate! (Wink, wink) I especially love this homegrown campaign video.
Well… Liz has to wait for Polling Data before she can take an official position on any given issue…
So, that slows her down.