Michael Moore Tears Into Pelosi, White People: ‘Their Old Tired Privileged Ways are Over’

The left continues to eat its own as Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi tries to squash the rebellion within the Democrat party.

Progressive activist and filmmaker Michael Moore has added to the rebellion after he lashed out at Pelosi when she dismissed those representatives who try to push the party to the far-left.

Pelosi told 60 Minutes:

“I do reject socialism as an economic system. If people have that view, that’s their view. That is not the view of the Democratic Party,” Pelosi said.“By and large, whatever orientation [House Democrats] came to Congress with, they know that we have to hold the center, that we have to go down the mainstream.”

You know, I really hate it when people force me to somewhat defend Pelosi. As The Washington Examiner pointed out, Pelosi explained to the London School of Economics that “progressives, Ocasio-Cortez and herself are not the reason Democrats won the majority and that the agenda must be ‘culled’ to appeal to swing district voters who sent enough Republicans packing in favor of moderate Democrats in 2018 to put the GOP in the minority.”

She’s right. Thing is, Americans do not care about what color you are, your sex, or what kind of relationship you’re in. We care about the economy, keeping our paychecks, and providing for our families.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has taken Congress by storm, proudly boasting her socialist views, which she tries to hide by calling herself a “Democratic Socialist.” She is flat out a socialist.

Ocasio-Cortez believes she has a big voice that can persuade people because she’s loud on Twitter and ousted veteran Rep. Joe Crowley in the primary. However, stats showed that hardly anyone turned out in the primary or the general election.

I don’t know how much sway Ocasio-Cortez and others like Reps. Ilhan Omar (MN) and Rashida Tlaib (MI) have on their districts or the American people. The voters rejected Hollywood and the mainstream media when they sent Hillary packing in November 2016.

The far-left have propped up these women, but will it do any good? Look at the polls. Stacey blogged that former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) remain at the top of the polls. The “diverse” crowd falls way behind them.

Will Moore support Sanders if he wins the primary? Sanders is a socialist, but he’s an old white man.

The rebellion will cause many problems for the Democrat party, but so will people like Moore if he and others get their way by forcing the party to concentrate on identity politics instead of the real issues that concern Americans.

[Featured image via Twitter and YouTube]

Tags: Culture, Democratic Socialism, Hollywood, Nancy Pelosi, Progressives