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Ilhan Omar Under Investigation for Allegedly Using $6,000 in Campaign Funds to Pay Divorce Attorney, Travel

Ilhan Omar Under Investigation for Allegedly Using $6,000 in Campaign Funds to Pay Divorce Attorney, Travel

“Representative Omar hasn’t followed the law. She’s repeatedly trampled on the laws of the state in a variety of areas, and gotten by with it.”

Minnesota authorities have investigated Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for allegedly using $6,000 in campaign funds to pay her divorce attorney and travel to Boston and Estonia when she served in the state legislature.

Minnesota state Rep. Steve Drazkowski (R) filed the complaints last year.

From WHAM:

Drazkowski’s filing of the two complaints followed an earlier episode in which Omar repaid $2,500 for honoraria she received for speeches at colleges that receive state funding, a violation of ethics rules for Minnesota lawmakers.

“I had observed a long pattern,” Drazkowski told Sinclair in an interview from his office in southeastern Minnesota. “Representative Omar hasn’t followed the law. She’s repeatedly trampled on the laws of the state in a variety of areas, and gotten by with it.”

Approached by Sinclair as she left the Capitol on March 28, accompanied by an aide, Omar refused to answer any questions about the campaign finance allegations. The aide suggested Sinclair try to schedule an interview instead. When Sinclair contacted Omar spokesman Jeremy Slevin for that purpose, he directed that the inquiry be routed to his personal email account; an inquiry subsequently sent to that account produced no reply from Slevin. The Minnesota campaign finance board, following standard practice, declined to confirm or deny whether it has opened an investigation into the subject of any complaint.

Drazkowski has updated his website constantly with information about the complaints. The Minnesota Campaign Finance Board agreed to investigate after it reviewed Omar’s 2017 year-end reports. The board found “several noncampaign disbursements for out-of-state travel for Rep. Omar to attend various events” and concluded that the information “does not indicate how attendance at these events would have helped Rep. Omar in the performance of her legislative duties.”

Drazkowski claimed “that Omar’s gender and ethnicity — she is Muslim-American and an immigrant from Somalia — and her willingness to cast herself as a victim of discrimination make her critics fearful of speaking out against her, whether on substantive policy or ethics issues.” He may have a point. The campaign funds issue came up in a debate where she called Drazkowski “bigoted.”

Back in October, Omar explained she used the funds to pay her attorney as “crisis management services to her state House campaign.” The Minnesota Star Tribune editorial board insisted Omar needs a full and proper explanation to the voters in Minnesota’s Fifth District. The board demanded the explanation come before voters hit the polls, but from what I can tell, it never came.

Despite the controversy, Omar easily won the House seat against her Republican opponent by 80%. It’s not a shock since the district has not elected a Republican since 1963.

Omar has caused quite a stir since she began her first term in Congress in January with numerous anti-Semitic remarks, including a suggestion that Republicans only support Israel due to money.


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“…cast herself as a victim…”

The primary defense offered by a sociopath when caught is somebody else is responsible for my behavior and I am a victim.

80% of Minneapolis (5th District) voters think this is OK behavior.

How very racist and Islamaphobic is it to even question the actions of this shining beacon of righteousness? /s

Was this for her divorce from her brother/husband?

    I wonder if the sanctified matrimony with her brother produced any offspring/”issue”.

    Milhouse in reply to GTL. | April 2, 2019 at 4:50 pm

    Yes, it was, and no, it could not have produced issue because it existed only on paper. The whole time she was officialy “married” to him, she was living with her real (though at the time unofficial) husband, the father of her children.

If a MN congressperson gets divorced, are they still brother and sister? (apologies to West Virginians for cultural appropriation)

Morning Sunshine | April 2, 2019 at 12:10 pm

Here is my problem with her and other first generation immigrants running for office – many come from cultures where leaders enrich themselves and accept bribes and are NEVER accountable for crimes. There is a basic “this is what leaders do” in their subconscious.

They are changing our politics to what they left.

*yes, I know that our politicians are more or less the same, but they CAN be held accountable, occasionally

    Sounds like there needs to be some kind of generation law that prohibits someone from running for office UNTIL they have proven themselves to have integrated in to the American way of life (Im talking about the AMERICAN way of life…not the Democratic way of life…HUGE difference). Of course this may require a constitutional amendment but you know, needs must! 🙂

    MattMusson in reply to Morning Sunshine. | April 2, 2019 at 1:52 pm

    When I see a woman in the hajib I marvel at the concept of culture-wide Stockholm Syndrome.

Drazkowski claimed “that Omar’s gender and ethnicity — she is Muslim-American and an immigrant from Somalia — and her willingness to cast herself as a victim of discrimination make her critics fearful of speaking out against her, whether on substantive policy or ethics issues.”

That’s probably part of it. But it’s mostly a “there but for the grace of God go I” problem. Everyone is crooked these days so if you cast the first stone, that glass house is not going to be much protection. All the rates are trying to slink away unnoticed.

buckeyeminuteman | April 2, 2019 at 12:26 pm



Humphrey's Executor | April 2, 2019 at 12:26 pm

The graft is strong with this one.

So whats the story with this chick? Is it true she married her brother to get citizenship and then lied about it??

    Milhouse in reply to mailman. | April 2, 2019 at 4:56 pm

    It’s true she married her brother. Why she did it is unknown. It certainly wasn’t to get him citizenship, since a) marriage can’t do that, and b) he seems not to have got it. It might have been to get him US residence, but that’s pure speculation.

      Observer in reply to Milhouse. | April 2, 2019 at 6:42 pm

      Some have speculated that the sham marriage was done to allow her brother to qualify for permanent residency or some other type of immigration benefit. We don’t know the reason for the sham marriage, but people don’t enter into sham marriages with their siblings without a reason, and Omar isn’t telling anybody what their reason was. Instead, she hired a criminal lawyer for “crisis management” and referred the people questioning her sham marriage to the lawyer. So draw your own conclusions.

What a piker, even the Mayor of Bmore grifted more than that, but hell she is an ignorant immigrant.

You have to appreciate that she is following in the shadow of Keith “ku Klux” Ellison, formerly of the Ku Klux FarraKlan.

Taqiyya. When a little white lie won’t git’r’dun.

Cut her some slack, guys.
She doesn’t understand words.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | April 2, 2019 at 1:34 pm

Crooked and Democrat – two words that just naturally go together in today’s U.S.A.

OleDirtyBarrister | April 2, 2019 at 1:37 pm

Somewhere, there is a field full of goats that miss their herder. Congress would be doing a kindness to the goats to expel her under Article I, Section 5 of the U.S. Constitution and send her back to the herd.

Remember: obama nailed Dinesh D’Souza for less:

Dinesh D’Souza Sentenced in Manhattan Federal Court to Five Years of Probation for Campaign Finance Fraud:

broomhandle | April 2, 2019 at 1:56 pm

She should be asked in debates whether her dual allegiance to Palestine conflicts with her loyalty to the USA. She should also be asked how she can be a “Palestinian” when the Philistines were completely extinct before the existence of the Roman empire or Christianity or Islam.

    Milhouse in reply to broomhandle. | April 2, 2019 at 4:59 pm

    She has never claimed to be “Palestinian”. And she can’t have a dual loyalty to “Palestine” since there is no such country.

      txvet2 in reply to Milhouse. | April 2, 2019 at 5:53 pm

      He’s confusing her with Sarsour, who most certainly believes that there is a Palestine – we just call it Israel.

It takes a very rich comfortable country to strive to be just like some glorious African shithole. When misplaced guilt overrules the sense of self survival, we are lost.

clayusmcret | April 3, 2019 at 6:37 am

Is this the lawyer who helped her get a divorce from her brother?