Cher Goes MAGA

President Donald Trump tweeted on Friday that he is “giving strong considerations” to the idea of sending illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities, which includes many in California.

Cher balked at the idea, but not for reasons you may think. She complained, rightfully, that her city of Los Angeles should first do something with the tens of thousands of homeless people.

Trump tweeted his idea because Democrats have not cooperated on changing our immigration laws. People have crowded our border, which has caused an overflow at detention and housing centers. Officials simply do not have the room.

Most people on the left cried over this idea because they find it cruel and harmful, even those most of them hail from sanctuary cities. These cities will not enforce federal immigration laws and provide protection for illegals.

Cher is the voice of reason, believe it or not.

She tried to clarify:

But Cher’s initial tweet is correct. Our own Leslie Eastman has documented the homeless problems not only in Los Angeles, but around California. She wrote in February 2018 that homelessness in LA went up by 75% in the past six years.

Then in November 2018, Leslie blogged about how over 100 people in LA contracted typhus, which came from the numerous homeless camps.

Guess what? The typhus epidemic has continued to grow as the state reported over 160 cases in California since 2018.

But it’s not just LA and typhus. San Diego saw an outbreak of Hepatitis A. The homeless made up the majority of those infected.

You can find many of Leslie’s posts on these problems here.

Here are a few responses to Cher, most welcoming her to MAGA and the Republican Party:

[Featured image via YouTube]

Tags: California, Culture, Hollywood, Trump Immigration