BOOK Review: Believe Evidence by Megan Fox

We covered the success of Unplanned, a pro-life film that had an advertising campaign essentially deplatformed by Twitter just in time for its opening weekend.

A week before this development, it came to my attention that Megan Fox, award-winning journalist, contributor to PJ Media, and successful author was facing a similar situation with Facebook. The social media giant refused to allow her to purchase ads for her new book: Believe Evidence: The Death of Due Process from Salome to #MeToo.

Since I am a big fan of solid writing, history, and men’s rights, I couldn’t wait to bypass the Facebook censors and delve into her book. I wanted to share a few notes with my Legal Insurrection friends.

Fox combines religious themes, historical evidence, and current events with wit and a critical assessment of women whose deceit has resulted in death, destruction, and despair. She serves a brutal analysis of the #Metoo insanity straight up, with a salty rim of liberal tears.

The main themes of this book are arranged in three sections: Hysterical Harpies throughout History and Literature, Lying Wretches from the Modern Age, and Battle Plan. The contemptible treatment of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation process and the social media mob attacks on the Covington Catholic boys are two elements that link these themes together into a cohesive whole, highlighting the fact that many American women see their husbands, sons, fathers, and brothers as potential targets in this “Believe All Women” environment.

Of the women featured in the first section of Believe Women, my favorite chapter covered Potiphar’s Wife (surprise!).  This is one of several instances in which Fox uses the Bible to highlight the importance of evidence, and she connects the story of Joseph’s incarceration based on a false rape charge to the testimony offered by Dr. Blasey Ford during the Kavanaugh hearings.

Unlike Potiphar’s wife, who was smart enough to grab some evidence that made her story at least plausible, Ford had nothing, not even the testimony of her best friend who she claimed was there. Note to future bearers of false witness: Make sure you get at least one piece worth of worthwhile evidence in your quest to destroy a good man because without it, there is little hope of getting away with it.Potiphar’s wife succeeded in ruining Joseph for a while, but she did not stop him from rising to one of the highest positions in Egypt eventually.It is fitting that Brett Kavanaugh has also been elevated to one of the most powerful positions in our land after suffering the false accusations of a vengeful woman.

I enjoyed Believe Evidence immensely, for the historic and literary references, but also for the detailed catalogue of outrageous man-hate that has occurred in recent years. It is easy to forget all these incidents and accusers (i.e., “Mattress Girl” Emma Sulkowicz who has taken to making soft porn videos recreating her allegations against a fellow student, after ruining one young man’s life and the diminishing the joyful graduation ceremony for many others).

The one caveat I have is that the book is clearly written from a faith-based perspective. As Fox and I are both Catholic moms, I enjoyed her viewpoint thoroughly. Those looking for a more clinical look at the #MeToo moment may differ with me.

I give the book 5 stars out of 5, and will look forward to sharing the “Battle Plan” with my son before he heads out to college!

Tags: Book Review