RNC Crushed February Fundraising Records, Raising $14.6 Million Last Month

The Daily Caller reported that the Republican National Committee (RNC) raised $14.6 million in February, which is a record for a non-election year.

This comes after the RNC beat another record with $15.5 million raised in January.

Despite pouring $300 million into the 2018 midterms, the RNC remains out of debt due to all the money it brings in.

The RNC received $8.6 million in small-dollar donations, which made up 60% of the total. These small-dollar donations have become key to fundraising since the GOP saw success with it when President Donald Trump aimed at those during his 2016 campaign.

It’s not just the RNC. Other Republican committees have seen record breaking numbers. I don’t have the numbers for February, but the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) brought in $5.58 million in January, which is the most for that month. The Senate Republicans have pushed for the fundraising since they want to retain control of the upper chamber.

Democrats finally have a reason to hold up their heads. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) raised $11.6 million in February, which is a record for them. The committee only raised $7.2 million in January.

However, the Democrats overall still trail the Republicans when it comes to fundraising. Open Secrets show that the RNC raised almost $325 million in 2018 while the DNC raised around $177 million.

It looks like, despite the decent February numbers for the DCCC, 2019 isn’t starting off well for the Democrats. From Politico:

In addition to raising $8.9 million directly from donors in January, the RNC collected more than $6 million from two joint fundraising committees affiliated with the committee and the Trump campaign.The Democratic National Committee — which does not have the advantage of a sitting president leading its party — started the year significantly behind its GOP counterpart, raising $6.5 million in January and finished the month with $6.5 million in the bank. The DNC also had $5.7 million in debt at the end of the month.The RNC spent $10.5 million in January. Costs associated with raising money, such as mail production and telemarketing, were among the committee’s biggest expenses last month and it spent $1.7 million on postage, the single largest expense category.The RNC also reported paying $600,000 in January to Parscale Strategy LLC, the firm affiliated with Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale. The payments were marked as “fundraising services.”

The DNC hasn’t released its numbers from February. Something tells me it won’t be as impressive as the RNC.

Tags: RNC, Trump 2020