Is This a Joke? CNN Wins Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Television Political Journalism For Parkland Shooting Town Hall

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that one of the most juvenile and narcissistic professions continues its rapid descent into complete parody, but here I am.

Tuesday, winners of the Cronkite awards were announced and you would know that CNN won for “Excellence in Television Political Journalism,” specifically for their Parkland Shooting Townhall following the Valentine’s Day school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas Highschool. “Cronkite Award Winners prove facts matter,” reads the official release.

The entire spectacle, and that’s what it was, was little more than political propaganda and exploitation of traumatized adolescents to further a sad, pathetic, and anti-Constitutional agenda.

During the town hall, CNN gave airtime and a platform to now-disgraced Sheriff Israel, who was later forced out of his job. It was revealed after the fact, after he spent time on national cable news, that Israel knew Deputy Peterson did not enter the school during the shooting and instead, stayed outside during the massacre. But that was the least of the town hall’s issues.

Dana Loesch, spokeswoman for the NRA, who attended the town hall, was not pleased with the award announcement:

It’s not CNN who should be earning any kind of journalistic award for their dog and pony show, not even close. The Orlando Sun Sentinel, who we quoted extensively, worked tirelessly covering the Parkland shooting and through old fashioned shoe-leather journalism, is largely responsible for exposing the extent of corruption and neglect in almost every facet of the Parkland system.

So really, this:

You can watch the town hall here, just be sure to have a barf bag handy:

Tags: CNN, Florida, Media Bias, School Shooting