Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel: Trump to blame for Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax
“The only reason Jussie Smollett thought he could take advantage of a hoax about a hate crime is for the environment, the toxic environment that Donald Trump created.”

When the charges were dropped against Jussie Smollet for one the infamous hate crime hoaxes, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel was indignant:
Emanuel called the prosecution’s decision to drop all charges against Smollett “a whitewash of justice.
“This is a whitewash of justice. A grand jury could not have been clearer,” Emanuel said. He said the $10,000 bond that Smollett forfeited doesn’t cover the cost of the investigation.
“Where is the accountability in the system? You cannot have because of a person’s position one set of rules apply to them and another set of rules apply to everybody else,” the mayor said.
Emanuel complained of “the ethical cost” to Smollett allegedly faking a hate crime.
Emanuel plans to go after Smollett for the cost of the investigation:
The City of Chicago’s Law Department has billed “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett for the costs of the Chicago Police Department investigation that determined he was lying about being the victim of a hate crime in January.
In a letter sent to Smollett titled “Re: Repayment of Investigation Costs for False Police Report,” the city’s Corporation Counsel writes that it requires “immediate payment of the $130,106.15 expended on overtime hours in the investigation of this matter.”
The letter goes on to say if the amount is not paid in a timely manner the Department of Law may prosecute Smollett for making a false statement.
“A violation of the false statement ordinance imposes a fine of not less than $500.00 and a maximum of $1,000.00, plus up to three times the amount of damages the City sustains as a result of the violation,” the letter states.
“Given that he doesn’t feel any sense of contrition and remorse, my recommendation is when he writes the check, in the memo section, he can put the word ‘I’m accountable for the hoax,’” Emanuel said at an unrelated event on Thursday.
Emanuel remains indignant, but not just at Smollett. Emanuel is claiming Trump created a climate of hate that enabled people like Jussie to pull hate crime hoaxes:
Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel took aim at President Trump over what he said was the “toxic environment” the billionaire has created, adding that it played a role in the Jussie Smollett hate crime “hoax.”
“Look, I’ve always said from day one, this is a Trump-free zone, the city of Chicago, and I mean it,” Emanuel said during a press conference on Thursday. “Let me be really clear about something: The only reason Jussie Smollett thought he could take advantage of a hoax about a hate crime is for the environment, the toxic environment that Donald Trump created.”
Emanuel said the the “moral equivalency” Trump drew between promoters and opponents of “bigotry” was unacceptable, calling out Trump’s declaration last April that there were good people “on both sides” of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, which left one person dead.
“President Trump should literally take his politics and move it aside. He’s created a toxic environment. Now he’s created a toxic vicious cycle in my view,” he added. “The only reason Jussie Smollett thought he could get away with this hoax about a hate crime is because of the environment President Trump created.”
This is completely insane.
Trump has not created a climate of hate, but if he had, wouldn’t that lead people to commit actual hate crimes, not hoaxes?
You know what creates dozens and dozens of hate crime hoaxes? The Democrat culture of identity-obsessed victim politics.

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Can’t make this sh!t up.
It is like a leftist theme park. Endless rides on insane meme attractions.
LOL. I´m stealing that.
LOL. I´m stealing that..
Methinks the Obamas’ crime mob got to him. Snark.
So was it millions of dollars of life-threatening comments against him and his family?
The TOTAL Over-reaction of all the Top Obama’s Mob connected to what should be a cut-and-dried case just screeches MICHELL-2020!
Perhaps Trump was dressed in a provocative fashion…
They keep on intentionally misquoting Trump. He was talking about the dispute over monuments. They fail and it’s Trump’s fault. Emmanuel is a total failure.
How long before Chicago is a hollowed out shell, people are abandoning the city in droves.
Fake hate crimes by the left go back 20 years. The reason you do these hate crimes is to blame the right, and Trump on particular.No matter what Republican was in office, the press would still lie, The left would still lie, the race baiters still sell their sick view, and all would commit hate hoaxes.
Correct. The Left’s gullibility and eagerness to exploit these hoaxes is what creates the climate in which they occur, not anything that President Trump has said or done.
He blames the wrong President. It is because of Obama and his continual pushing racial causes for everything which has created this toxic environment which allowed Smollett to pull off the hoax. Smollett believed, correctly as it turns out, that he could get away with lying about a racially motivated attack because Obama had allowed it, and made any attack or incident involving a black person a hate crime.
So, Trump didn’t build that, Obama did.
He sounds like such a moron.
Yeah, President Trump created a toxic environment. That’s what it was. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Well, Mr. Eric, all anyone has to do to change my mind about voting for President Trump and MAGA is to promote a race-card throwing, lbgt-card throwing, mentally unstable, greedy, stupid, hoaxing, lying actor, who hates cops and our country. /s/
The media (via internet and television) has created the environment of hate. I think media needs to be put in check. It’s too easy for big (dark) money to manipulate the message.
If you want the left’s plan, always look to see what they’re blaming someone else for – you can bet everything they’re doing exactly the bad act what they’re accusing others of.
The Dems and their owned MSM are always self-projecting….
Looks like somebody finally clued Rahm in on the whole scam and told him to get with the program.
He was late getting the updated memo:
– The attack totally happened
– Jussie is a victim
– It’s all Trump’s fault!
Perhaps Moo-shelle…..
The letter goes on to say if the amount is not paid in a timely manner the Department of Law may prosecute Smollett for making a false statement.
Ahhh, what false statement?
The smelliest part of this corrupt deal was that the case was closed and the files sealed. Even better, the paperwork has already disappeared. Good luck finding that false statement.
“The only reason Jussie Smollett thought he could get away with this hoax about a hate crime is because of the environment President Trump created.”
Well, so much for Chicago being a “Trump-free zone”.
“Look, I’ve always said from day one, this is a Trump-free zone, the city of Chicago, and I mean it,” Emanuel said
It looks like Trump has magic powers, and Emanuel doesn’t. Well, no real surprise there.
Living in their heads 24 hours a day.
….and charging them high, premium rents for that privilege.
What utter bullshit. Race hoaxes have been happening for years now. Was Trump also responsible for the ones that happened during the Obama administration? Because we know Rahm would never claim his boss Obama bore the blame for those.
So long as claiming to be a “victim” pays off, unscrupulous people like Smollett will keep pretending to be victims. If Rahm and his fellow leftists really wants to stop this crap, then they need to stop pimping the cult of victimology that they have created.
Paging Tawana Brawley, paging Al Sharpton. Anybody?
Keep digging there Rahm. Somewhere in that room full of horseshit you are spouting (“it’s all Trump’s fault”) you’ll find a pony.
Emanuel doesn’t have a problem with Jussie Smollett and his only problem with Kim Foxx is she got caught. Foxx acted The Chicago Way. Emanuel doesn’t want Chicago and Cook County in the national spotlight as their corruption is unrivaled.
Citizens are fleeing Chicago and the Ill. state for elsewhere in the country like crazy!
Those two entities are shrinking in population.
*SNORT* Really? That’s the best you got? With no self-evaluation of the victim-rewarded disgusting plunder culture you, Barry, and Mooch presided over? GFY
“The devil made me do it!” – Flip Wilson
You know, Chicago being a Trump-free zone is exactly why I had a hard time believing a couple of white MAGA hat-wearing thugs were wandering around at 2am, and survived long enough to find, assault, and bleach Jussie Smollett before melting back into the urban jungle where they would stick out like peacocks standing on gray carpet.
RE: “….Chicago being a Trump-free zone is exactly why I had a hard time believing a couple of white MAGA hat-wearing thugs were wandering around at 2am, and survived long enough to find, assault, and bleach Jussie Smollett….”
Higher odds of a Snow Storm in Hell extinguishing all of Hades flames…..
It was Emmanuel and his ilk that created an environment where Smollett thought he could get away with it; and Smollett was right. He did get away with it.
But I refuse to believe that Rahm and Obama thought this up in Chicago’s men’s country………
The latest demonrat/commiecrat strategy:
When you don’t have anything else, breakout the INSANITY !
Democratic fraud and other crimes, with a diversity enhancement.
The Climate was created by Mainstream Media hystronics. No one is to blame for the actions of Jessie Smollet but Jessie Smollet himself.
And all the Democrats – but I repeat myself.
So, they’re openly admitting to not prosecuting but rather extortion. Chicago arrogance and ignorance at its finest.
I’ll also just discount the absolute ridiculousness of Emanuel’s statement and just ask him instead if he believes that racism and hate crime hoaxes were non-existent during the Obama administration?
The political environment in Chicago is obviously not very toxic if Smollett felt he had to make it appear more toxic than it really is by staging a hoax.
Then again, most of us have learned that it’s usually the thief who cries loudest about theft, so as to divert attention.
Because, there’s nothing hateful about a government official declaring Chicago a “Trump-free zone,” even though the First Amendment clearly protects citizens’ rights to publicly support the President on Chicago’s public streets and other public areas?
And … there it is.
Apparently Smollet jokes weren’t allowed at the NAACP image awards show, which Chris Rock then chose to ignore. I guess they don’t realize that they need more Chrises and fewer Jussies.