Avenatti: I broke up with Stormy before she broke up with me!

This quote from the L.A. Times about Michael Avenatti and Stormy Daniels (aka Stephanie Clifford) parting ways perfectly sums up the result of Avenatti’s legal prowess:

“While the two lawsuits produced no courtroom victory for Avenatti, they did turn him into a celebrity”

Not only were there no courtroom victories for Avenatti in his representation of Stormy, he left her in a really bad position:

Case No. 1 – Stormy Daniels ordered to pay Trump $293,052.33 in attorneys’ fees, costs, and sanctions

Case No. 2 – Judge dismisses Stormy Daniels lawsuit over Trump $130,000 Non-Disclosure Agreement

Who dumped whom?

She tweeted first, announcing she hired a new lawyer:

I have retained Clark Brewster as my personal lawyer and have asked him and his firm to review all legal matters involving me. Upon completion of Mr. Brewster’s review and further consultation with me, I anticipate Mr. Brewster will serve as my primary counsel on all legal issues

Then he tweeted that he broke up with her before she broke up with him:

On February 19, we informed Stormy Daniels that we were terminating our legal representation of her for various reasons that we cannot disclose publicly due to the attorney-client privilege. This was not a decision we made lightly and it came only after lengthy discussion, thought and deliberation, as well as consultation with other professionals.

So who dumped whom? Avenatti insists that he was the breaker-upper:

Avenatti, who in the past year has gained widespread notoriety for his work for Daniels, told CNBC, “I made the decision to terminate the representation.”He reiterated that in an email saying, “I terminated the relationship, NOT the other way around.”

Does it matter? The circus is just getting started.

Expect more lawsuits as Trump seeks to collect his judgment against Stormy resulting from the defamation lawsuit that Stormy once claimed Avenatti filed against her will:

“He has spoken on my behalf without my approval. He filed a defamation case against Donald Trump against my wishes. He repeatedly refused to tell me how my legal defense fund was being spent.”

Who is next to turn on Avenatti?

If this happens, remember I called it:


Stormy is not happy.

To an audience of women at The Wing in DC, she says her ex lawyer, Michael Avenatti, pulled the old “you can’t fire me, I quit” trick.

Tags: Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels