Woman Arrested for Attacking Man in MAGA Hat at Massachusetts Restaurant

A young man was minding his own business in a restaurant in Falmouth, Massachusetts this week, when a woman approached him from behind and grabbed his ‘Make America Great Again’ hat.

The incident ended with her arrest.

The young man, Bryton Turner, handled the situation perfectly. He remained calm and let law enforcement handle it.

Bill Shields of CBS News in Boston reports:

Man Attacked For Wearing MAGA Hat At Falmouth RestaurantA Falmouth woman has been charged with disorderly conduct after confronting a customer who was wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat at a Mexican restaurant.Police say Rosaine Santos walked by Bryton Turner as he was eating dinner at Casa Vallarta and knocked the hat off his head. She then allegedly confronted him verbally.He recorded some of the confrontation on his cell phone. “I’m just trying to sit here and eat a nice meal,” Turner says in the video as Santos grabbed his President Trump-inspired hat.Police arrived and had difficulty removing Santos.“It’s just a hat at the end of the day,” Turner told WBZ. “I don’t really understand why people can’t just express themselves anymore, everybody has to get mad.”

Here’s a video report which includes the footage Turner recorded on his phone:

According to the Cape Cod Times, the alleged assailant told police that Turner should not be allowed to eat in a Mexican restaurant:

Police Charge Falmouth Woman With Assaulting Man Wearing ‘MAGA’ HatFalmouth Police are charging an East Falmouth woman with allegedly attacking a man who was wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.According to court documents, Rosaine Santos, 41, is accused of first verbally assaulting the man, then hitting him on the head.The MAGA hats are commonly associated with President Donald Trump.The alleged incident happened inside the Casa Vallarta Mexican restaurant last Friday night.The police report filed in Falmouth District Court indicates that when officers asked why she was bothering the man, she said he should not be allowed to eat in a Mexican restaurant.“I asked Rosaine why she was behaving badly in the manner and she stated that Bryton was a (expletive) for supporting Trump. She also stated that he shouldn’t be allowed in a Mexican restaurant with that hat,” according the report filed by Falmouth Police Officer Newton Cardoso.

It sounds like Ms. Santos was just following orders from Maxine Waters. Maybe the congresswoman can help out with her legal fees.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Anti-Trump Protests, Crime, Massachusetts, Trump Derangement Syndrome