Uh Oh – Elizabeth Warren registered with Texas State Bar as “American Indian”

Elizabeth Warren’s Native American Controversy just got worse for her. A lot worse.

Not only did she falsely claim to be Native American for employment purposes, it turns out she registered as “American Indian” when she filled out her Texas Bar card.

Annie Linsky and Amy Gardner of The Washington Post reports:

Using an open records request during a general inquiry, for example, The Post obtained Warren’s registration card for the State Bar of Texas, providing a previously undisclosed example of Warren identifying as an “American Indian.”Warren filled out the card by hand in neat blue ink and signed it. Dated April 1986, it is the first document to surface showing Warren making the claim in her own handwriting. Her office didn’t dispute its authenticity….The Texas bar registration card is significant, among other reasons, because it removes any doubt that Warren directly claimed the identity. In other instances Warren has declined to say whether she or an assistant filled out forms.The card shows her name, her gender and the address for the University of Texas law school in Austin, where she was working at the time….On the line for “race,” Warren neatly printed, “American Indian.” She left blank lines for “National Origin” and “Physical handicap” and signed the document.“She is sorry that she was not more mindful of this earlier in her career,” said Kristen Orthman, a Warren campaign spokeswoman.Warren filled out the card after being admitted to the Texas bar. Warren was doing legal work on the side, but nothing that required bar admission in the state, according to her campaign.The date coincided with her first listing as a “minority” by the Association of American Law Schools. Warren reported herself as minority in the directory every year starting in 1986 — when AALS first included a list of minority law professors — to 1995, when her name dropped off the list.

*Funny* how she never volunteered this information. As with everything, she denies denies denies, until more information is dug out by others. Then she only admits what people already have uncovered.

Democrats are worried Warren’s Native American controversy will be like Hillary’s emails — completely dominating the narrative of her campaign. Warren has not been forthcoming with information, Democrats should be very worried. What else is out there? What other shoes will drop if Democrats nominate her?

The reaction has been swift.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Elizabeth Warren